Questions and Answers

All (1061-20 of 20)
1068 Schred V2: Simulating n-type substrates and Vfb determination
Asked by Lachlan Black Open 1
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1069 L point on bulk central bands and bulk (all) band structure plots appears truncated
Asked by Brian Sutton Open 0
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1071 carbon transistors
Asked by bijo boban Open 0
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1073 What can be done with help on NEGF formalism as final year BSc project?
Asked by Protik Das Open 0
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1076 Is there a good method for determining modes of vibration using SIESTA?
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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1078 Can you please tell me the working of CNTFET. It seems a bit confusing to me. what type of cntfet do you use? SB or gate doped?
Asked by Aditya Sodhani Open 0
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1079 Geometery Relaxation in SeqQuest
Asked by Anonymous Open 1
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1080 2% biaxial strain Ge, promen at the Gamma point
Asked by Renato Minamisawa Open 0
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1081 Want to add metals in the simulation
Asked by Keyur Gandhi Open 1
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1082 My simulation is not getting saved from where i left?
Asked by Muhammad Noman Open 1
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1083 3D simulation in Padre
Asked by Chi-Sun Hwang Closed 1
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1086 mpi error
Asked by Maxim Arsent'ev Closed 1
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1089 Can this software be used for PBTI simulations?
Asked by nurul azimah ahmad arzaai Open 1
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1090 Sir, I am working on nano patterns, I need to obtain absorptance. Can you elucidate the the function/Equation defining absorptance vs Wavelength ?
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1093 Is there any tools to work on nano piezoelectric material for energy harvesting application?
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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1094 Is there any tools to work on nano piezoelectric material for energy harvesting application?
Asked by Md. Omar Faroque Open 0
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1095 How to change the sphere radius?
Asked by Shahar Keinan Open 2
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1096 How to calculate the components of total energy in ABINIT?
Asked by Natalya Tokiy Open 0
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1097 Including bulk doping when simulating QM accumulation capacitance in Schred V1
Asked by Lachlan Black Open 1
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1099 which device can be simulated with rtdnegf simulator&where can i get its feature?
Asked by sharmin sultana sheuly Open 0
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