Questions and Answers

All (1281-20 of 20)
1179 Hi, is this tool working? I cannot even load the examples…
Asked by Michael Mrejen Open 0
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1178 Experimental Conditions for Mapping Nanomechanical Properties of Live Cells with AFM
Asked by Ramsey Kraya Open 1
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1176 Absorbtion File In Cigs Solar Cell for Adept 2
Asked by Shamim Sardar Open 1
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1175 Any one know how to contact the co-author “Diego Kienle”
Asked by Yang Lu Open 0
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1174 Algorithem
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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1173 compiling schred and nanoHUB schred
Asked by lui ehtesham Open 0
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1172 SCHRED Compilation
Asked by lui ehtesham Open 2
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1169 Schred v1: other materials
Asked by Yu-Chih Tseng Open 1
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1168 simulating InAs in Schred V1 vs V2
Asked by Yu-Chih Tseng Closed 1
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1167 OOF2 cannot choose element type?
Asked by Anonymous Closed 1
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1166 how to to change the material such as I wanted to usenon linear material other than gold and silver
Asked by shruti taksali Open 0
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1165 Fermi statistics produces too low current
Asked by SungGeun Kim Open 0
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1164 x5 larger Ctot than Cox in QM schred V2
Asked by SungGeun Kim Closed 2
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1163 include more subbands in the simulation
Asked by Wanjie Xu Open 0
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1162 Cartesian coordinates of sodium heptagluconate
Asked by Marta Badrinas Open 1
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1161 Why does oof2 quit atuomaticly?
Asked by zheng yun zhai Open 1
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1160 Boltzmann statistics does not work
Asked by SungGeun Kim Closed 2
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1159 angel software compilation
Asked by Raouf Bennaceur Open 0
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1158 How to choose the range of convergence for self-consistent solutions for gnrfet?
Asked by mana abdi Open 1
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1157 changing electron occupation
Asked by Giovanni Maria Vanacore Open 1
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