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Excuse my ignorance and could anyone let me know why does CNTbands fail to simulate certain chiralities like (9,3) or (9,6)?

Is there any specific reason as to why this simulation tool has problems simulating certain chiralities of pristine SWNTs like (9,3) or (9,6)? 

Thank you! 

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2 Responses

  1. 0 Like 0 Dislike


    I get the same error!  (9,6) and (9,3) will not run (the error is immediate), but other types of chiral CNTs work.

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  2. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    Tanya Faltens

    I get the same error!  (9,6) and (9,3) will not run (the error is immediate), but other types of chiral CNTs work.

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