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Victoria Duke

How grain boundaries of like-phase grains are taken into account?

The crystal structure I'm using is mainly alpha phase ( ~99% ). To accurately model a mechanical test do I need to define the grain boundaries as their own material or would loading a corresponding orientation map be sufficient? When I tried an orientation map using the predefined phases (no grain boundaries defined) the skeleton assumes the material is almost completely identical and is overly simplified.

Thanks for your help!

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1 Responses

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    Stephen Langer

    Hi Victoria --

    If the  EBSD data file includes a column that identifies the grain number, you can use it to construct pixel groups in oof2.  If it doesn't, you can convert the orientations to colors and use the other pixel selection and grouping tools in oof2 to create pixel groups.  Once the pixels in the different grains are in different pixel groups, the skeleton will reflect the grain structure.

    -- Steve

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