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How can I change my personal profile?

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    Michael McLennan

    Click on the “Login” button in the upper-right corner of the page and log in. This will take you to your “my hub” page, which is like a dashboard. Next, click on the “My Account” button, which is right next to where you clicked for “Login”. This will show your profile, contributions, points, etc. Click on “Edit this profile” in the upper right corner, down a little from the “My Account” button. You can then change your name, edit your bio, register interests in tags, and upload a picture. Click the “Save” button at the bottom to save your changes.

    Note that while you’re editing your profile information, there’s a checkbox at the top that says “Public profile.” If you check the box, your name will appear on the “Members” list for this site, and others will be able to see your profile.

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