
Single Event Effects University Seminar Library

The SUS library is intended to house all past and future radiation effects material delivered via annual Single event effect University Seminars.

  1. radiation effects
  2. SCALE affiliated
  3. SCALE (Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement)
  4. single event radiation

An important pillar of the space community is making sure there are engineers that are trained to perform tests on electronics in simulated radiation environments. This continues to grow in importance with an increase in missions operating in space.

This 11-week seminar series will attempt to provide a basic overview of one category of effect that radiation effects engineers test for, single event effects. The series will cover a variety of subjects including the natural space radiation environment, test facilities (to include tours), testing methods/techniques, and how these fit into overall spacecraft design. Speakers are experts in the field and include participants from NASA Goddard, NASA JPL, NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL), US Navy Research Laboratory (NRL), Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Michigan State University, Texas A&M University, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UC Berkeley, Vanderbilt University, University of St. Thomas, and the European Space Agency.


Ron Schrimpf - Vanderbilt University

Ken Galloway - Vanderbilt University

Mike Xapsos - NASA Goddard

Rob Davies - University of St. Thomas

Kevin Brown - Brookhaven National Labs

Henry Clark - Texas A&M

John Papapolymerou - Michigan State University

Adrian Ildefonso - Navy Research Lab

Greg Allen - NASA Jet Propulsion Lab

Rebekah Austin - NASA Goddard

Christian Poivey - European Space Agency

Stephen Buchner - Navy Research Lab