By Jeff Gray1; Xufeng Wang1

1. Purdue University

This is an advanced version of ADEPT intended specifically for NPT users.

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Published on 21 Jun 2011
Latest version: 2.1.1. All versions

doi:10.4231/D3MW28D9G cite this

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ADEPT/F solves Poisson's equation coupled with the hole and electron continuity equations in one spatial dimension in compositionally nonuniform semiconductors. It was originally written to model solar cells fabricated from a wide variety of materials, including amorphous silicon, copper indium diselenide, and cadmium telluride. However, since material parameters (band gap, mobility, etc.) can be input by the user, devices fabricated from any material for which these parameters are known can be modeled. Dark I-V, light I-V, and spectral response of solar cells (or any two terminal device) can be computed. Plots of many internal parameters, such as carrier density, recombination, electric field, etc., can be plotted at any operating point. Homostructures and heterostructures, both abrupt and graded, can be modeled. Solar cell material systems modeled include ZnO/CdS/CIS, ZnO/CdS/CIGS, CdS/CdTe, a-Si, Si, AlGaAs/GaAs, GaSb, InP, and several others.


ADEPT/F simulator was written by Jeffrey L. Gray. User interface is created by Xufeng Wang based on the framework of Michael McLennan.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Jeff Gray, Xufeng Wang (2015), "ADEPT 2.0," (DOI: 10.4231/D3MW28D9G).

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