Purdue University Physics Seminars

By Joseph M. Cychosz

Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN



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A collection of seminars present in either Purdue University Department of Physics' General Colloquia or Condensed Matter Seminar Series.

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  • Joseph M. Cychosz (2012), "Purdue University Physics Seminars," https://nanohub.org/resources/11205.

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Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

In This Series

  1. Tracking Energy Flow From the Nano to Mesoscale with Ultrafast Nanoscopy

    Online Presentations | 22 Mar 2016 | Contributor(s): Libai Huang | 114 users

    In this talk, I will discuss our recent efforts on elucidating multi-scale energy transfer, migration, and dissipation processes with simultaneous femtosecond temporal resolution and nanometer spatial resolution. We have combined/correlated ultrafast spectroscopy with high spatial resolution...

  2. Oxide Systems – An Answer to the Qubit Problem?

    Online Presentations | 08 Mar 2016 | Contributor(s): Sudhakar Yarlagadda | 136 users

    One can produce new oxide-based devices by exploiting their tunability, rich physics, and coupling between the various degrees of freedom (such as charge, lattice, spin, etc.). We propose that oxide-based double quantum dots with only one electron (tunneling between the dots) can be regarded as a...

  3. Ultrafast Optical Measurements of Spin Polarization in Semiconductors

    Online Presentations | 29 Mar 2016 | Contributor(s): Vanessa Sih | 514 users

    n this talk, I will describe optical techniques that can measure the magnitude and direction of spin-orbit fields and electrically-generated spin polarization in non-magnetic semiconductors and the modification of the electron spin precession frequency in a bulk semiconductor using an applied...

  4. Piezotronics in 2D Piezoelectric Semiconductors

    Online Presentations | 01 Apr 2016 | Contributor(s): Wenzhuo Wu | 522 users

    Monolayer MoS2 and other TMDCs have been theoretically predicted to exhibit piezoelectricity due to the strain induced lattice distortion and associated ion charge polarization, suggesting possible applications of these 2D nanomaterials in nano-scale electromechanical devices that take advantage...

  5. Quantum Measurement Backaction: From Atoms to Optomechanics

    Online Presentations | 13 Oct 2016 | Contributor(s): Mukund Vengalattore | 190 users

    The act of measurement has profound consequences on a quantum system. As such, the evolution of a quantum system can be influenced and even controlled through the continuous measurement of its properties. I will describe our studies on such measurement-induced dynamics in systems ranging from...

  6. Complex Oxides and the Philosopher’s Stone

    Online Presentations | 26 May 2016 | Contributor(s): Shiram Ramanathan | 225 users

    In this talk I will discuss the topic of insulator-metal transitions in strongly correlated oxides, their control via disorder, orbital occupancy and electric fields and challenges these systems pose to our contemporary understanding of emergent phenomena in ionic lattices.

  7. Tailoring Biomass to Fit the Biofuels Pipeline

    Online Presentations | 10 Oct 2016 | Contributor(s): Maureen McCann, Nicholas C. Carpita | 206 users

    Second-generation biofuels will be derived from lignocellulosic biomass using biological catalysts to convert the carbon in plant cell wall polysaccharides to ethanol or other biofuels. The Center for Direct Catalytic Conversion of Biomass to Biofuels (C3Bio) is a DOE-funded Energy Frontier...

  8. Prospects for Using Magnetic Insulators in Spintronics

    Online Presentations | 29 Sep 2016 | Contributor(s): Mingzhong Wu | 492 users

    This presentation consists of two parts, which together will provide some perspective on the future of using magnetic insulators in spintronics.  The first part will touch on the feasibility of using magnetic insulators, in particular, Y3Fe5O12 and BaFe12O19, to produce pure spin currents...

  9. The Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Its role in metastasis? Can Theory Help Cancer Biology?

    Online Presentations | 19 Oct 2016 | Contributor(s): Herbert Levine | 242 users

    In order to spread from the primary tumor to distant sites, cancer cells must undergo a coordinated change in their phenotypic properties referred to as the "epithelial-to-mesenchymal" transition.  We have studied the nonlinear genetic circuits that are responsible for this...

  10. Optical Hyperspace: Light in Metamaterials with Hyperbolic Dispersion

    Online Presentations | 03 Nov 2016 | Contributor(s): Evgenii Narimanov | 467 users

    The composites with opposite signs of the dielectric permittivity in two orthogonal directions, known as the hyperbolic metamaterials, represent a new "universality class" of optical media, with the light behavior which is qualitatively different from that in either metals or...

  11. Photonic Structures with Topological Robustness: from Classical to Quantum

    Online Presentations | 09 Jan 2017 | Contributor(s): Mohammad Hafezi | 365 users

    In this talk, I demonstrate how similar physics can be observed for photons; specifically, how various quantum Hall Hamiltonians can be simulated in an optical platform. I report on the first observation of topological photonic edge state using silicon-on-insulator technology and our recent...

  12. Topological Spintronics: from the Haldane Phase to Spin Devices

    Online Presentations | 31 Jan 2017 | Contributor(s): Nitin Samarth | 1856 users

    e provide a perspective on the recent emergence of “topological spintronics,” which relies on the existence of helical Dirac electrons in condensed matter. Spin‐ and angle‐resolved photoemission spectroscopy shows how the spin texture of these electronic states can be engineered using...

  13. How 10 Years of Education Research Invalidated 40 Years of My Assumptions -- a personal conversion

    Online Presentations | 08 May 2017 | Contributor(s): David E. Pritchard | 122 users

    I shall describe an on-campus pedagogy that helps students to become more expert. Then I’ll describe how research, development, online learning and MOOCs might be combined to spread better learning universally.

  14. Systems and Software for Quantum Computing

    Online Presentations | 10 May 2017 | Contributor(s): Travis S. Humble | 806 users

    In this talk, we define some of the system-level challenges facing the development of quantum computing systems as well as software-based approaches that can be used to overcome them. Following a brief overview of the state of the art, we present recent advances in the modeling and simulation of...

  15. Weakly Ionized Plasmas for Reconfigurable RF Systems

    Online Presentations | 10 May 2017 | Contributor(s): Sergey Macheret | 352 users

    The presentation discusses properties of ionized gases (plasmas), such as those used in fluorescent lights, from the standpoint of their potential application to tunable and reconfigurable radio-frequency (RF) electronics: antennas, resonators, filters, etc. Plasmas have important advantages in...

  16. Forces That Govern Life: On the Way to Understanding Intermolecular Interactions

    Online Presentations | 20 Jul 2017 | Contributor(s): Lyudmila V. Slipchenko | 200 users

    This talk will overview our recent work on the Effective Fragment Potential (EFP) method. EFP is a model potential designed for describing non-covalent interactions. The absence of fitted parameters and a natural partitioning of the interaction energy into Coulomb, polarization, dispersion, and...

  17. Novel Vertically Aligned Nanocomposite (VAN) Designes: Oxide-Oxide Systems and Beyound

    Online Presentations | 07 Sep 2017 | Contributor(s): Haiyan Wang | 176 users

    The talk focuses on a set of hybrid materials in vertically aligned nanocomposite form with unique functionalities for device applications, including magnetoresistance materials, multiferroics, exchange bias, metamaterials for plasmonics and photonics, high density magnetic storage, high...

  18. Quantum Optical Simulation of Complex Physical Hamiltonians

    Online Presentations | 23 Oct 2017 | Contributor(s): Alexander V. Sergienko | 199 users

    The rapidly expanding research activity on quantum computing is ultimately an outgrowth of the profound Feynman’s observation that only quantum systems are capable to efficiently simulate other quantum systems. The goal of quantum simulation is therefore to find simple quantum systems...

  19. The Hunt for Non-Abelian Statistics

    Online Presentations | 23 Oct 2017 | Contributor(s): Yuli Lyanda-Geller | 169 users

    Search for non-Abelian statistics is driven both by the quest for a deeper understanding of nature and by prospects to eliminate the sensitivity of conventional quantum bits to the environment, opening a path for fault-tolerant quantum computing. The transformation of non-Abelions upon...

  20. Magnetic Ordering on the Surface of a Topological Crystalline Insulator

    Online Presentations | 27 Oct 2017 | Contributor(s): Herbert A. Fertig | 202 users

    Topological crystalline insulators (TCI's) are a class of materials which can support non-trivial band topology protected by crystalline symmetry.   Using analytic and numerical methods, we study the effect of bulk magnetic impurities on a model of  (Sn,Pb)Te alloys which are...