ME 517: Micro- and Nanoscale Processes

By Steve Wereley

Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN



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The scale at which engineers and scientists study and manipulate matter has dramatically changed in the last decade. Engineers are using micromachining techniques to pattern surfaces with nanometer resolution, while scientists now routinely design and produce macromolecules using molecular biology and organic chemistry. The convergence of the scales on which we work has the potential to produce a paradigm shift in chemical and mechanical manufacturing. This class will prepare engineers and scientists to address problems they will encounter when studying physical phenomena in micro- and nanoelectromechanial systems. This course will provide the student with the tools to analyze statics, dynamics, surface phenomena, and fluid dynamics problems at the micron scale. Specific laboratory- on-a-chip (LOC) and microelectromechanical system (MEMS) devices will be analyzed quantitatively using Finite Element Methods.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Steve Wereley (2014), "ME 517: Micro- and Nanoscale Processes,"

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ME 1077, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN


Lecture Number/Topic Online Lecture Video Lecture Notes Supplemental Material Suggested Exercises
ME 517 Lecture 01: Introduction View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 02: Feynman and Trimmer View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 03: Scaling View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 04: Microfabrication - Techniques I View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 05: Microfabrication - Techniques II View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 06: Microfabrication - Techniques III View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 07: Microfabrication - Adding and Subtraction Techniques I View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 08: Microfabrication - Adding and Subtraction Techniques II View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 09: Microfabrication - Adding and Subtraction Techniques III View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 10: Atomic Force Microscopy - Introduction View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 11: Atomic Force Microscopy - Cantilever I View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 12: Atomic Force Microscopy - Cantilever II View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 13: Electrostatics I View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 14: Electrostatics II View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 15: Electrostatics III View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 16: Microfludics - Introduction I View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 17: Microfludics - Introduction II View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 18: Microfluidics - Continuum or Molecular? View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 19: Microfluidics - Continuum Fluid Mechanics View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 20: Microfluidics - Stokes Flows View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 21: Microfluidics - Couette Flow I View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 22: Microfluidics - Couette Flow II View HTML
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ME 517 Special Lecture 1: Rarefied Micro/Nanoflows - A Brief Tour View HTML
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Guest lecture.

ME 517 Lecture 25: Microfluidics - Stokes Sphere Drag I View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 26: Microfluidics - Stokes Sphere Drag II View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 28: Molecular Dynamics I View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 29: Molecular Dynamics II View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 30: Electrokinetics I View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 31: Electrokinetics II View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 32: Electrokinetics III View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 33: Electrokinetics IV View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 35: Surface Tension Microfluidics View HTML
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ME 517 Lecture 36: Microfluidic Diagnostics View HTML
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