Purdue OSC Cancer Prevention Seminar Series



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A recent report from the American Cancer Society estimates that 50% of cancer deaths could be prevented by modifiable lifestyle factors and appropriate use of available screening for early detection of cancers. The Cancer Prevention and Control Program of the OSC provides a unique environment to develop strategies for 1) prevention of cancers by dietary (nutrient and botanical components); 2) early detection technologies (biomarkers and imaging); 3) identification of risk factors; 4) behavior modification to reduce risk to both prevent and control cancers; 5) social and ethical communication in the context of cancer and risk identification and 6) application of knowledge in healthcare settings. The OSC is in a unique position to address these issues with the expertise available for collaborative research efforts across Purdue University, Mayo Clinic and Indiana University Medical Center. The unique strengths within this environment include the basic biomedical, engineering, and biomarkers initiatives in Discovery Park. These basic research efforts are supported by strong research and application in the fields of communication in healthcare settings, identification of risk, behavior modification and application of methodology in healthcare settings.

The primary basic research focus of the OSC Cancer Prevention and Control Program is dietary preventative agents. The Program will also focus on social and behavioral issues which contribute to the mission of cancer prevention and control. This approach within the Program is currently focused on smoking cessation, given the clear association between this modifiable factor and cancer risk (associated with 30% of cancer deaths) along with the current strengths of the OSC membership. Faculty at Purdue are the lead in the state-funded program in smoking behavior to assess the impact of combining support programs and nicotine supplements on smoking behavior. In addition, Purdue University faculty and OSC members have developed smoking cessation programs including the 3-year SmokeFree Purdue Project, the University Project of the Tobacco Etiology Research Network, the Indiana Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Agency and development of the Tobacco Control Partnership of Tippecanoe County. Contributing to this strength, OSC members have research efforts and expertise in the development of evaluation of campaigns targeting health behavior and high risk tobacco usage, understanding social networking interactions applied to smoking behavior and in the area of health communication particularly on the role of communication in cancer screening. In addition, the Regenstrief Center within Discovery Park provides expertise in implementation of programs within a healthcare environment.

The goal of the OSC Cancer Prevention Seminar Series is to provide an environment that facilitates increased collaboration of these scholarly efforts to promote further interdisciplinary interactions and research that lead to development of innovative methods for smoking cessation and program implementation.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • (2007), "Purdue OSC Cancer Prevention Seminar Series," https://nanohub.org/resources/2365.

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