Biorenewable Chemicals and Microbial Strain Engineering

By Abby sobh1; Jamal Mawla1; Steve Snyder2; Alexis Ann Campbell3; Nahil Sobh1

1. University of Illinois 2. Purdue University 3. Iowa State University



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This Database tool is based on “Yeast, Let’s plump it up!?” module within an undergraduate laboratory course that provides students with an authentic laboratory research experience. The module was developed at Iowa
State University, using synthetic genetic reagents generated by NSF Engineering Center for Biorenewable Chemicals (CBiRC), for the purpose of providing transformative laboratory experiences for undergraduate students, empowering them to become practicing scientists. In this experience students actively contribute to new knowledge generation in the fields of biorenewable chemicals and microbial strain engineering, and in parallel learning fundamental concepts
in biology, genetics and bioengineering.

The database is interactive, student friendly, and supports predictions based modeling that utilizes previous 
data to aid students in designing hypotheses and testing them in silico prior to wet lab investigations.




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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Abby sobh, Jamal Mawla, Steve Snyder, Alexis Ann Campbell, Nahil Sobh (2016), "Biorenewable Chemicals and Microbial Strain Engineering,"

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