Phase Transforming Cellular Material Simulator

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Cellular material that exhibits phase transformations provide a variety of applications from the construction of medical casts to car bumpers. Materials with multiple phases are able to experience a multitude of loading and unloading forces. How the materials reacts is in part due to its geometrical design, along with the material properties. In this project, PXCM’s are utilized for there versatility in design capabilities. The code, in particular, provides sufficient information on force vs. displacement, Energy, Stiffness, and trends that one would need to take into consideration when developing a phase transforming structure. This analytical data will be used to compare against numerical data demonstrated through finite element analysis performed by our mentors.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Gavin Carter, Yunlan Zhang, Kristiaan William Hector, Pablo Daniel Zavattieri (2018), "Phase Transforming Cellular Material Simulator,"

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