Birck Nanotechnology Center Annual Research Review: 2008

By Timothy D. Sands

Purdue University



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Birck Nanotechnology Center The Second Annual Birck Nanotechnology Center Research Symposium was held on April 14, 2008 in Purdue's Discovery Park. Along with poster presentations by graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, several areas of strength were highlighted in the overview presentations made available here. The first presentation by BNC director, Sands, highlights the recent achievements of the nanotechnology community with a focus on publications as a metric for assessing the impact of the investment in nano at Purdue [1,2]. Presentations by Professors Bergstrom, Klimeck, Janes, Murthy, and Narimanov highlight major centers (the NSF Network for Computational Nanotechnology and the DOE/NNSA Center for Predictive Reliability, Integrity and Survivability of Microsystems) and research achievements of the past year in nanoelectronics, nanophotonics and nanobiotechnology.

If you are a prospective graduate student, we hope these presentations will give you a sense of the scope and depth of the Ph.D. research opportunities at the BNC, and will help you identify members of the faculty who work in your areas of interest. If you are a potential collaborator, these presentations should help you identify individuals and projects that could serve as points of connection between you and the BNC. Finally, if you are interested in accessing the unique nanotechnology facilities and expertise at Purdue, we expect that these presentations will help you get started. Regardless of your interest, we hope you have the opportunity to visit the Birck Nanotechnology Center in the near future.


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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Timothy D. Sands (2008), "Birck Nanotechnology Center Annual Research Review: 2008,"

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Burton Morgan Building, Room 121, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN


In This Workshop

  1. BNC Research Review: Future Cyberinfrastructure Serving a Community of 60,000 Today

    01 May 2008 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Gerhard Klimeck

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.

  2. BNC Research Review: The Birck Nanotechnology Center-Progress, Opportunitiees, and Challenges

    04 Jun 2008 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Timothy D. Sands

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.

  3. BNC Research Review: Carbon Nanotubes as Nucleic Acid Carriers

    04 Jun 2008 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Don Bergstrom

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.

  4. BNC Annual Research Review: An Introduction to PRISM and MEMS Simulation

    04 Jun 2008 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Jayathi Murthy

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.

  5. BNC Annual Research Review: Thin-Film Electronics using Nanowire Transistors

    06 Jun 2008 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): David Janes

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.