Pioneers in Energy Seminar Series



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This Purdue University, West Lafayette campus speaker series supports lectures & visits by leaders in the field of energy research with the goal of increasing understanding of specific energy challenges and building a stronger Purdue energy research community.

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  • (2009), "Pioneers in Energy Seminar Series,"

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Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN


In This Series

  1. Liquid Transportation Fuels from Coal and Biomass

    Online Presentations | 01 Dec 2009 | Contributor(s): Michael R. Ladisch | 238 users

    Report on the National Academies’ America’s Energy Future Study 2009.

  2. Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Limited Fossil Fuel Future

    Online Presentations | 01 Dec 2009 | Contributor(s): Rakesh Agrawal | 304 users

    Rakesh Agrawal is a member and participated in the National Academy of Engineering Study on "Electricity from Renwable Resources." His lecture will be based on his independent work in the area of sustainable solutions.

  3. Building on 35 Years of Progress: The Next 10 Years of Photovoltaic Research of NREL

    Online Presentations | 10 Sep 2013 | Contributor(s): Gregory Wilson | 1423 users