Atomic Picture of Plastic Deformation in Metals via Online Molecular Dynamics Simulations

By Alejandro Strachan

Purdue University



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The main goal of this learning module is to introduce students to the atomic-level processes responsible for plastic deformation in crystalline metals and help them develop a more intuitive understanding of how materials work at molecular scales. The module consists of: i) Two introductory lectures (50 minutes each) available online as audiovisual presentations and, ii) Hands-on lab involving online molecular dynamics (MD) simulations via

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Alejandro Strachan (2011), "Atomic Picture of Plastic Deformation in Metals via Online Molecular Dynamics Simulations,"

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Lecture Number/Topic Online Lecture Video Lecture Notes Supplemental Material Suggested Exercises
Atomic Picture of Plastic Deformation in Metals: Overview Lecture View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
Atomic Picture of Plastic Deformation in Metals: Prelab Lecture View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
This lecture provides a detailed description of the activities the students will perform in the lab. We present a tutorial with step by step instructions on how to run MD simulations using the...

Atomic Picture of Plastic Deformation in Metals: Lab Assignment Handout Atomic Picture of Plastic Deformation in Metals: Lab Assignment Handout
Handout (MS Word)
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Learning Module: Atomic Picture of Plastic Deformation in Metals
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