Active Media FDTD Nanophotonic Device Simulator

By Baudilio Tejerina1; zhengquan zhang1; Yunan Zheng1; Seng-Tiong Ho1

1. Northwestern University

Modeling and analysis of solid state, molecular or atomic semiconductor photonics media.

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Version 1.3.5 - published on 25 Mar 2016

doi:10.4231/D3707WP91 cite this

This tool is closed source.

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2827 How to use this Active Media FDTD Nanophotonic Device Simulator?Is there any workshops/ tutorial to attend/use it for understanding the tool? I want to simulate and analyse the bandfilling effect in Transistor Laser? Thank you
Asked by Ramya Ravi Open 0
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1179 Hi, is this tool working? I cannot even load the examples…
Asked by Michael Mrejen Open 0
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1016 How to be able to use the FDTD tool
Asked by Yongan Tang Open 1
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624 Is it possible to obtain authorization for using this tool?
Asked by Sergei Zhukovsky Open 0
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550 how to get the permission to download the software?
Asked by ni a wo Open 0
446 about the permission to access this tool
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429 permission to access the tool
Asked by Nahil Sobh Open 1
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415 Documentation anywhere?
Asked by Pablo M Roque Closed 1
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