A Dynamical Analysis of Homeostatic Cellular Topologies

By Gabriel Juliano Severino1; Zachary Charles Laborde1; Joel Vanin1

1. Indiana University Bloomington

This work investigates the dynamical qualities of the cell lineages underlying regeneration and tissue homeostasis

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Version 1.0 - published on 12 Dec 2022

doi:10.21981/T401-HT56 cite this

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Tissues typically denote heterogeneous cell collectives that often exhibit complex and interesting behavior that would otherwise not be seen in single cells alone. In the most generic form, we can understand tissues as being composed of three major types of cells, those being: stem cells, transit-amplifying cells, and differentiated cells. Additionally, we know that these cell types can secrete regulatory factors that can exhibit control factors on the other cell populations. These factors can be understood to have positive or negative effects. Recent work in mathematical biology has outlined multiple cell lineage control topologies that result in local tissue homeostasis. In this application, we replicate and extend this work in order to investigate the qualitative dynamics that can be observed in these topologies. In the literature, there have been several different mathematical forms of control functions. In our implementation of the two and three-stage models, we examine the similarities and differences between the different forms of control that can be implemented. Furthermore, many of the qualitative aspects of the models have previously gone unaddressed. Using dynamical systems theory, we highlight many of the qualitative characteristics seen in these models and report on homologous or degenerate solutions. 

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Gabriel Juliano Severino, Zachary Charles Laborde, Joel Vanin (2022), "A Dynamical Analysis of Homeostatic Cellular Topologies," https://nanohub.org/resources/dynsysregen. (DOI: 10.21981/T401-HT56).

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