CNT Heterojunction Modeler

By Joe Ringgenberg1; Joydeep Bhattacharjee2; Jeffrey B. Neaton3; Jeffrey C Grossman4

1. University of California, Berkeley 2. Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 3. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Study the structure and electronic properties of carbon nanotubes with linear heterojunctions.

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Version 1.03 - published on 25 Mar 2016

doi:10.4231/D3Q23R18W cite this

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Version Released DOI Handle Published
1.03 25 Mar 2016 doi:10.4231/D3Q23R18W yes
1.02w 17 Mar 2015 doi:10.4231/D3833N014 no
1.02 28 Jul 2008 doi:10.4231/D3RV0D06F no
1.01 07 Jul 2008 doi:10.4231/D39W08Z36 no
1.0 24 Jun 2008 doi:10.4231/D33B5W747 no