
Run MATLAB The MATLAB tool on nanoHUB gives you access to the full MATLAB desktop, including most toolboxes, Simulink®, and Simulink- based products (product list).

This tag is for general MATLAB related materials such as scripts, documentation, etc. The tag that is specific to the R2021a version of MATLAB that is available on nanoHUB is MATLAB Tool.

Tools (1-5 of 5)

  1. MATLAB R2021a

    Tools | 09 Sep 2021 | Contributor(s):: Gen Sasaki, Lisa Kempler

    MATLAB is a programming and numeric computing platform to analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models.

  2. Matlab Coding and Data Analysis in the Context of Radiation Hardening

    Tools | 01 Oct 2020 | Contributor(s):: Amanda Johnston, Alejandro Strachan, Congying Wang, Adrian Nat Gentry, Zachary D McClure, Tamara J. Moore, Anne DeLion, Lukas Beebe Diehm, Zofia Marta Stawiarska

    Learn Matlab coding within the context of Radiation Hardening problems.

  3. Matlab Data Analysis Using Jupyter Notebooks

    Tools | 24 Jul 2020 | Contributor(s):: Jon Nykiel, Anna Leichty, Zachary D McClure, Alejandro Strachan, Aileen Ryan, Adrian Nat Gentry, Amanda Johnston, Tamara Jo Moore, Allen Garner, Peter Bermel

    Use Jupyter Notebooks with a Matlab kernel running in the background for data analysis and intro to engineering homework problems

  4. sugarcube-cad

    Tools | 18 Feb 2016 | Contributor(s):: Jason Clark, Quincy Clark

    CAD for MEMS via systems of compact models. This commercial tool is published by Sugarcube Systems, which requires a registration fee to use. The nanoHUB does not receive revenue or assume liability for the use of this tool.

  5. Hyperlens Design Solver

    Tools | 18 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s):: Matt Swanson, Xingjie Ni, zubin jacob, Alexander V. Kildishev

    Simulates a cylindrical hyperlens design to obtain resulting field intensities