Tags: metamaterials


Metamaterials are artificial materials engineered to provide properties which may not be readily available in nature. These materials usually gain their properties from structure rather than composition, using the inclusion of small inhomogeneities to enact effective macroscopic behavior.

Learn more about quantum dots from the many resources on this site, listed below. More information on Metamaterials can be found here.

All Categories (21-40 of 122)

  1. DARPA_Mirage


    Multiscale Inverse Rapid Group-theory for Engineered-metamaterials (MIRaGE) team formed from a collaboration between Sandia National Laboratories and Stellar Science Ltd. Co. under the DARPA...


  2. Debarghya Sarkar

    Debarghya Sarkar is a senior year undergraduate student of Jadavpur University in India with a major in Electrical Engineering. He wishes to pursue graduate studies (leading to a doctoral degree)...


  3. Developments in Metamaterials and Transformation Optics

    Online Presentations | 29 Mar 2010 | Contributor(s):: David R. Smith

    Metamaterials—artificially structured microcircuits that can mimic the electromagnetic response of atoms and molecules—have vastly expanded the opportunities available for the design of electromagnetic structures. Starting in 2000 with the first report of a “left-handed” metamaterial, for which...

  4. Diedrich Schmidt


  5. Digitizing and Functionalizing Metamaterials

    Online Presentations | 15 Jan 2013 | Contributor(s):: Nader Engheta

    This talk is part of the International Workshop "Novel Ideas in Optics: From Advanced Materials to Revolutionary Applications" hosted by Purdue University.

  6. ECE 695s Lecture 14: Metamaterials: Giving Light the Second Hand, Part 1

    Online Presentations | 15 Nov 2006 | Contributor(s):: Vladimir M. Shalaev

    A subsequent version of this lecture is available in a three lecture short course Metamaterials: A New Paradigm of Physics and Engineering.

  7. ECE 695s Lecture 15: Metamaterials: Giving Light the Second Hand, Part 2

    Online Presentations | 20 Nov 2006 | Contributor(s):: Vladimir M. Shalaev

    A subsequent version of this lecture is available in a three lecture short course Metamaterials: A New Paradigm of Physics and Engineering.

  8. ECE 695s Nanophotonics

    Courses | 30 Aug 2006 | Contributor(s):: Vladimir M. Shalaev

    Welcome to the ECE 695S lecturesThe course will cover nanoscale processes and devices and their applications for manipulating light on the nanoscale. The following topics will be covered:Fundamentals, Maxwell’s equations, light-matter interaction, dispersion, EM properties of nanostructures,...

  9. Elyes NEFZAOUI


  10. Energy Nanophotonics Group



  11. Fahad Al Mamun


  12. girish kh


  13. Gregory T. Forcherio


  14. Harshit Pandey

    I'm a Final Year UG student pursuing B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering. I wish to pursue MS in Material Science and Engineering and further develop better materials for wide array of products...


  15. How Plasmonic Materials Make Light Work at Nanoscale

    Online Presentations | 06 Aug 2019 | Contributor(s):: Alexandra Boltasseva

  16. Hue Minh Nguyen


  17. Hyperlens Design Solver

    Tools | 18 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s):: Matt Swanson, Xingjie Ni, zubin jacob, Alexander V. Kildishev

    Simulates a cylindrical hyperlens design to obtain resulting field intensities

  18. Hyperlens Layer Designer

    Tools | 03 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s):: Matt Swanson, Alexander V. Kildishev, Xingjie Ni

    Design a hyperlens using concentric cylindrical layers of various materials

  19. Aug 12 2019

    ICANM2019:7th International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced & Nano Materials

    The 7th International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced & Nano Materials (ICANM2019) will take place from August 12 to 14 in Montreal, Canada. This conference offers the unique...


  20. Illinois 2009 nano-biophotonics Summer School, Lecture 11: Plasmonics, Metamaterials

    Online Presentations | 27 Oct 2009 | Contributor(s):: Nick Fang

    Plasmonics, Meta-MaterialsTopics: New Frontiers of Photonics What Are Meta-Materials? Electromagnetic Meta-Materials Effective Medium Properties Plasmonic "Atoms" and "Crystals" Plasmonic Response Physics of Surface Plasmon Artificial Magnetism Split Ring Resonators The Swiss Roll Structure...