Tags: mode-locking

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  1. Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2011: High frequency mode-locked diode lasers

    Online Presentations | 21 Jan 2012 | Contributor(s):: Ann Catrina Bryce

    Mode-locked laser diodes are compact optical pulse sources which have severaladvantages over other sources including very high repetition frequencies and very shortpulse widths. They are attractive sources for applications such as large-capacity opticaltime-domain multiplexing systems, clock...

  2. ECE 616 Lecture 8: Solid-State Laser Mode-Locking Including Phase Effects

    Online Presentations | 04 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 2.4

  3. ECE 616 Lecture 7: Solid-State Laser Mode-Locking Using the Optical Kerr Effect

    Online Presentations | 22 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 2.4

  4. ECE 616 Lecture 6b: Passive Mode-locking with Saturable Absorbers II

    Online Presentations | 21 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 2.3PLEASE NOTE: This lecture is in two parts.

  5. ECE 616 Lecture 6a: Passive Mode-Locking with Saturable Absorbers I

    Online Presentations | 20 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 2.3PLEASE NOTE: This lecture is in two parts.

  6. ECE 616 Lecture 5: Active Mode-Locking: Frequency Domain Treatment

    Online Presentations | 12 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 2.2.2

  7. ECE 616 Homework 1: Lasers, Fourier transform review and Introduction to Mode-Locking

    Teaching Materials | 12 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Topics: Lasers and Fourier transform review; introduction to mode-lockingChapter 1, Ultrafast Optics

  8. ECE 616 Homework 2: Principles of Mode-Locking

    Teaching Materials | 12 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Topics: Principles of Mode-LockingChapter 2, Ultrafast Optics

  9. ECE 616 Lecture 4: Active Mode-Locking: Time Domain Treatment

    Online Presentations | 08 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 2.1-2.2.1

  10. ECE 616 Lecture 3: Introduction to Short Pulse Generation via Mode-Locking

    Online Presentations | 07 Sep 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Related reading: Ultrafast Optics, 1.4