Tags: sputtering

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  1. Deposition 2: Sputtering and Nucleation of the Deposited Material

    Online Presentations | 26 Feb 2022 | Contributor(s):: Atilla Ozgur Cakmak, NACK Network, Rich Hill

    Sputtering is a fundamental Physical Vapor Deposition method that utilizes plasma. This session will focus on igniting a plasma for the benefit of a thin film deposition. Both DC and RF plasma based sputtering methods will be discussed. The physics of plasma will be elucidated by emphasizing the...

  2. Bishwajite Karmakar


  3. ECE 595M Lecture 3.1: Lithography - Optical Lithography

    Online Presentations | 04 Mar 2020 | Contributor(s):: Minghao Qi

  4. Rajesh kumar R


  5. Magnetic properties of magnetron sputtered Co-Cr thin films

    Papers | 07 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s):: Brian Demczyk, J. O. Artman

    The magnetic properties 01 magnetron sputtered CO-22 at.% Cr films of various thickness deposited on glass have been examined, with particular attentionto the various contributions to the film anisotropy

  6. Origin of the orientation ratio in sputtered longitudinal media

    Papers | 07 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s):: Brian Demczyk, J. N. Zhou, G. Choe, E. Stach, E. C. Nelson, U. Dahmen

    The surface morphology, thin film microstructure, and crystallography of sputtered longitudinalmedia were examined by atomic force and transmission electron microscopy.

  7. Functional Graded Materials architectures applied at nanoscale: thin PVD nanograded and layered coatings

    Papers | 09 Oct 2008 | Contributor(s):: Vasco Teixeira

    Functionally graded materials (FGM’s) are designed to achieve levels of performance superior to that of homogeneous materials by combining the desirable properties of each constituent phase. FGM’s are composite materials where the composition or the microstructure is locally varied so that a...