Tags: transistors


A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify and switch electronic signals. It is made of a solid piece of semiconductor material, with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit. A voltage or current applied to one pair of the transistor's terminals changes the current flowing through another pair of terminals. Because the controlled (output) power can be much more than the controlling (input) power, the transistor provides amplification of a signal.More information on Transistor can be found here.

All Categories (61-80 of 326)

  1. Baihua Xie


  2. High-Frequency Carbon Nanotube Transistors: A Multi-Scale Simulation Framework

    Online Presentations | 07 Jan 2015 | Contributor(s):: Martin Claus

    The talk gives an overview on a multi-scale simulation framework with which this question can be answered. Methods to study the steady-state and transient quantum and semi-classical transport phenomena in CNTFETs and their application for the optimization of CNTFETs will be discussed. Special...

  3. The MVS Nanotransistor Model: A Primer

    Online Presentations | 26 Nov 2014 | Contributor(s):: Mark Lundstrom

    In this talk, I will present a gentle introduction to the MVS model. I’ll show how the basic equations of the model can be obtained by using a traditional approach to MOSFETs. I’ll then indicate how the parameters in this traditional model must be re-interpreted in order to capture...

  4. The MVS Nanotransistor Model: A Case Study in Compact Modeling

    Online Presentations | 26 Nov 2014 | Contributor(s):: Shaloo Rakheja

    In this talk, I will present my view on building an industry-standard compact model by using the MVS model as a case study. In the first part of the talk, I discuss mathematical issues, such as the smoothness of functions and their higher-order derivatives in connection with the MVS model....

  5. Byeongeog Jun


  6. Basics of Compact Model Development

    Online Presentations | 02 Aug 2014 | Contributor(s):: Sivakumar P Mudanai

    This tutorial is aimed at developing an understanding of what a compact model is, the need and role of compact models in the semiconductor industry and the requirements that a compact model must meet for acceptable use in circuit simulations. The tutorial will use simple examples from planar...

  7. Hybrid CMOS/SET models for PSpice?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 2

    Hello! Can anyone tell me where can I find models for hybrid transistors (CMOS and Sinlgle Electron) for designing circuits in PSpice? I must find them for my homework. Thank you!


  8. RF Solid-State Vibrating Transistors

    Online Presentations | 15 Feb 2014 | Contributor(s):: Dana Weinstein

    In this talk, I will discuss the Resonant Body Transistor (RBT), which can be integrated into a standard CMOS process. The first hybrid RF MEMS-CMOS resonators in Si at the transistor level of IBM’s SOI CMOS process, without any post-processing or packaging will be described. ...

  9. Efficiency Enhancement for Nanoelectronic Transport Simulations

    Papers | 02 Feb 2014 | Contributor(s):: Jun Huang

    PhD thesis of Jun HuangContinual technology innovations make it possible to fabricate electronic devices on the order of 10nm. In this nanoscale regime, quantum physics becomes critically important, like energy quantization effects of the narrow channel and the leakage currents due to tunneling....

  10. ECE 612 Lecture 10: Threshold Voltage and MOSFET Capacitances

    Online Presentations | 25 Jan 2014 | Contributor(s):: Mark Lundstrom

    Please view ECE 612 Lecture 13: Threshold Voltage and MOSFET Capacitances from the 2006 teaching.

  11. ECE 612 Lecture 9: Subthreshold Conduction

    Online Presentations | 25 Jan 2014 | Contributor(s):: Mark Lundstrom

    Please view ECE 612 Lecture 12: Subthreshold Conduction from the 2006 teaching.

  12. Kevin Manning


  13. Tunnel FETs - Device Physics and Realizations

    Online Presentations | 10 Jul 2013 | Contributor(s):: Joachim Knoch

    Here, the operating principles of TFETs will be discussed in detail and experimental realizations as well as simulation results will be presented. In particular, the role of the injecting source contact will be elaborated on.

  14. The Road Ahead for Carbon Nanotube Transistors

    Online Presentations | 09 Jul 2013 | Contributor(s):: Aaron Franklin

    In this talk, recent advancements in the nanotube transistor field will be reviewed, showing why CNTFETs are worth considering now more than ever. Then, the material- and device-related challenges to realizing a nanotube-driven digital technology will be covered.

  15. Exams for Semiconductor Device Fundamentals

    Teaching Materials | 01 Jul 2013 | Contributor(s):: Robert F. Pierret

    Collected herein are 54 mostly hour tests that were utilized over the years in a junior/senior-level course entitled “Semiconductor Devices” offered by the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the West Lafayette campus of Purdue University. Although the material probed on...

  16. Semiconductor Device Fundamentals Testbook Module C: Transistor Basics

    Teaching Materials | 01 Jul 2013 | Contributor(s):: Robert F. Pierret

    This is module C (part 3) of the Testbook for Semiconductor Device Fundamentals.

  17. Computational and Experimental Study of Transport in Advanced Silicon Devices

    Papers | 28 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s):: Farzin Assad

    In this thesis, we study electron transport in advanced silicon devices by focusing on the two most important classes of devices: the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) and the MOSFET. In regards to the BJT, we will compare and assess the solutions of a physically detailed microscopic model to...

  18. Modeling Quantum Transport in Nanoscale Transistors

    Papers | 28 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s):: Ramesh Venugopal

    As critical transistor dimensions scale below the 100 nm (nanoscale) regime, quantum mechanical effects begin to manifest themselves and affect important device performance metrics. Therefore, simulation tools which can be applied to design nanoscale transistors in the future, require new theory...

  19. Physics and Simulation of Quasi-Ballistic Transport in Nanoscale Transistors

    Papers | 28 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s):: Jung-Hoon Rhew

    The formidable progress in microelectronics in the last decade has pushed thechannel length of MOSFETs into decanano scale and the speed of BJTs into hundreds of gigahertz. This progress imposes new challenges on device simulation as the essential physics of carrier transport departs that of...

  20. [Illinois] CNST 2012: III-V Semiconductor Nanowire Arraybased Transistors

    Online Presentations | 02 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s):: Xiuling Li