Tags: quantum transport

All Categories (41-60 of 337)

  1. CQT Lecture 1: Nanodevices and Maxwell's Demon

    Online Presentations | 30 Nov 2006 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

    Objective: To illustrate the subtle interplay of dynamics and thermodynamicsthat distinguishes transport physics.

  2. CQT Lecture 2: Electrical Resistance - A Simple Model

    Online Presentations | 30 Nov 2006 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

    Objective:To introduce a simple quantitative model for describing current flow in nanoscalestructures and relate it to well-known large scale properties like Ohm’s Law.

  3. CQT Lecture 3: Probabilities, Wavefunctions and Green Functions

    Online Presentations | 30 Nov 2006 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

    Objective: To extend the simple model from Lecture 2 into the full-blown model combines the NEGF (Non-Equilibrium Green Function) method with the Landauer approach.

  4. CQT Lecture 4: Coulomb blockade and Fock space

    Online Presentations | 30 Nov 2006 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

    Objective: To illustrate the limitations of the model described in Lectures 2, 3 and introduce a completely different approach based on the concept of Fock space. I believe this will be a key concept in the next stage of development of transport physics.

  5. CQT: Concepts of Quantum Transport

    Courses | 30 Nov 2006 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

    Note: For an expanded version of these lectures see Datta's 2008 NCN@Purdue Summer School presentations on Nanoelectronics and the Meaning of Resistance. How does the resistance of a conductor change as we shrink its length all the way down to a few atoms? This is a question that...

  6. Curriculum on Nanotechnology

    Courses | 27 Jan 2005

    To exploit the opportunities that nanoscience is giving us, engineers will need to learn how to think about materials, devices, circuits, and systems in new ways. The NCN seeks to bring the new understanding emerging from research in nanoscience into the graduate and undergraduate curriculum. The...

  7. Dibya Prakash Rai


  8. Diego José Carrascal


  9. Discussion Session 2 (Lectures 3 and 4)

    Online Presentations | 08 Sep 2010 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

  10. Dissipative Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Nanostructures

    Papers | 23 Dec 2011 | Contributor(s):: Peter Greck

    In this work, we investigate dissipative quantum transport properties of an open system. After presenting the background of ballistic quantum transport calculations, a simple scattering mechanism, called Büttiker Probes, is introduced. Then, we assess the properties of the Büttiker Probe model...

  11. Dragana Laketic


  12. DrMohan L Verma

    I want to learn ner tools for material characterization. Specially theoretical tools related to computational nanoscience. Solid state battery and other electrochemical device based materials are...


  13. ECE 495N and 659 Teaching Materials (Supriyo Datta)


    This group provides access to teaching materials used by Prof. Datta for the teaching of ECE 495N – “Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics”, and ECE 659 – “Quantum...


  14. ECE 495N F08 Exam 1

    Teaching Materials | 08 Jul 2009 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

  15. ECE 495N F08 Exam 1 (Practice)

    Teaching Materials | 08 Jul 2009 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

  16. ECE 495N F08 Exam 2

    Teaching Materials | 08 Jul 2009 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

  17. ECE 495N F08 Exam 2 (Practice)

    Teaching Materials | 08 Jul 2009 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

  18. ECE 495N F08 Final Exam

    Teaching Materials | 08 Jul 2009 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

  19. ECE 495N F08 Final Exam (Practice)

    Teaching Materials | 08 Jul 2009 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

  20. ECE 495N F08 Homework 1 (Lectures 1-3)

    Teaching Materials | 07 Jul 2009 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta