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NEATEC & Trinity College - Module 1 - What is nanoscience?

By Trinity College Dublin Ireland with NEATEC updates and edits1; NEATEC Developers2

1. Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices 2. SUNY Polytechnic Institute

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This module serves as an introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology. Nanoscience is becoming increasingly more prevalent in both society and industry. As a result, it is important to make pupils aware of what it is and how it can impact their lives. To enable discussion about nanoscience, pupils will first be introduced to the Nanoscale. At the Nanoscale, properties of materials differ from those of the same bulk material. In this module, these interesting effects that take place at the Nanoscale will be discussed. To conclude this introductory module, examples of where nanotechnology can be used in our everyday lives are discussed.


PowerPoint Presentation Slideshow
Student Notes Handout
Teacher's Notes
What is Nanoscience? Workbook
What is Nanoscience? Video (YouTube), (Quicktime/MP4), (Windows Media Player)

A NEATEC Learning Module (NLM) is a self-contained unit that can be incorporated into existing science, math, and technology lessons to supplement and enhance the content and the laboratory activities of the lessons. Each module includes all or some of the following sections:

•Background information about the topic of the unit
•A teacher's guide
•A student's guide
•List of lab materials for laboratory activities
•A list of teacher's and student's resources
•Power Point slides

NLM 9-12. These are units suitable for students in grades 9rd to 12th grades.

NEATEC Learning Modules include topics on Nanotechnology, Semiconductors, Photovoltaic, Alternate Energy, Mathematics, General Science and Technology.


Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

Sponsored by

National Science Foundation Grant #DUE1003574

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Trinity College Dublin Ireland with NEATEC updates and edits, NEATEC Developers (2013), "NEATEC & Trinity College - Module 1 - What is nanoscience?,"

    BibTex | EndNote


Erin Crimmel

Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC)
