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Open Courseware

Open Courseware

Over 2 million visitors explore nanoHUB content annually. A large percentage of these visitors utilize the open courseware materials that are freely available.

Nanotransistors is the latest self-paced nanoHUB-U offering by Professor Mark Lundstrom. This updated course features new video lectures as well as revised quizzes and exams. In addition, Professor Lundstrom has provided background resources on the essential physics of nanoscale transistors.

The corresponding textbook for this course can be found at: Collect Fundamentals of Nanotransistors

Semiconductor are everywhere in human activities, from your credit card to space exploration. This graduate-level introduction brings aspects of physics, chemistry, and engineering together to understand, analyze, and design transistors and solar cells.
From smartphones to satellites, semiconductors are everywhere. Tying together physics, chemistry, and electrical engineering, this easy-to-follow introduction provides the background needed to understand devices such as transistors and solar cells.
Basic Concepts presents key concepts in nanoelectronics and mesoscopic physics and relates them to the traditional view of electron flow in solids.

The corresponding textbook for this course can be found at: Fundamentals of Current Flow

Second in a two part series, this nanotechnology course provides an introduction to more advanced topics, including the Non-Equilibrium Green’s Function (NEGF) method widely used to analyze quantum transport in nanoscale devices. We will explore a number of topics within nanoelectronics, taking a more in depth look at quantum transport, gaining greater insight into the application of the Schrodinger Equation, and learning the basics of spintronics.

The corresponding textbook for this course can be found at: Introduction to Quantum Transport

Three fundamental concepts critical to the understanding of nanoelectronic devices will be explored: 1) open systems vs. closed systems, 2) non-equilibrium systems vs. close-to-equilibrium systems, and 3) atomistic material representation vs. continuum matter representation.
A five-unit online course that develops a unified framework for understanding essential physics that govern materials at atomic scales and relate these processes to the macroscopic world. The course will cover important applications, trends, and directions.
A five week course distilling the principles and physics of electronic nanobiosensors.
A five-unit online course that develops a unified framework for understanding essential physics that govern materials at atomic scales and relate these processes to the macroscopic world. The course will cover important applications, trends, and directions.

The corresponding textbook for this course is coming soon.

Provides a unified perspective connecting equilibrium statistical mechanics with stochastic neural networks and quantum computing.
A free self-paced course on the essential physics of thermal energy at the nanoscale.

The corresponding textbook for this course can be found at: Thermal Energy at the Nanoscale

This short course gives an introduction to the fundamentals of device heating, to simple methods for estimating the device temperature during operation, and to temperature measurement methods. The four short lectures are just 15-25 min each, can be taken together or independently, and are designed to bring students and engineers up to speed quickly.
The Science, Art, and Practice of Analyzing Experimental Data and Designing Experiments
This course is about the flow of charge and heat in semiconductors with an emphasis on transport in novel materials and nanoscale devices. The objective is to develop a broad understanding of basic concepts.
A five-unit online course that develops a unified framework for understanding essential physics that govern materials at atomic scales and relate these processes to the macroscopic world. The course will cover important applications, trends, and directions.This course provides a detailed presentation of the computational methods used to treat energy transport and conversion in the atomic and nanoscales. The methods include lattice dynamics, molecular dynamics, first principles calculations, Boltzmann transport equation, Monte Carlo methods, and machine learning. Energy transport by four energy carriers, i.e., phonons, electrons, photons, and molecules, will be covered. Thermal, mechanical, electrical, and optical properties will be predicted, and the effects of spatial confinement on these properties will be introduced. Relevant applications such as thermal management, thermoelectrics, laser-matter interaction, and energy storage will be included.
This course is about the flow of charge and heat in semiconductors with an emphasis on transport in novel materials and nanoscale devices. The objective is to develop a broad understanding of basic concepts.

The corresponding textbook for this course can be found at: Near-Equilibrium Transport Fundamentals and Applications