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Immersive Learning

Immersive Learning

Over 80,000 nanoHUB users have studied nano-scale phenomena in formalized classroom settings through through modeling and simulation. Faculty members typically assign homework or projects to be performed by students in their classes. Students can learn the teaching concepts through simple to use apps that focus on ease of use and delivery of modeling results. No software installation is needed and the learning curve to use these apps is not steep at all.

ABACUS is a set of tools that have been used by hundreds of classes to enable students to explore the fundamental devices that are taught in typical undergraduate and graduate level courses.
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aTCADlab combines a set of nanoHUB tools ranging from process simulation, over device simulation to circuit simulation.
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The AQME toolbox is an assemblage of individually authored tools that, used in concert, offer educators and students a one-stop-shop for semiconductor education. The AQME toolbox holds a set of easily employable nanoHUB tools appropriate for teaching a quantum mechanics class in either engineering or physics.
nanoHUB is partnering with vFabLab™ to enable students at all educational levels to learn about real semiconductor device processing tools. Currently vFabLab™ users have to sign up separately from a nanoHUB account.
This series of modules introduces key concepts in data science in the context of application in materials science and engineering. The end to end modules include recorded lectures, hands-on tutorials and homework.