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Jakob Brauer

What is the source for the DREIDING pair coefficients?

Dear Developers,

First of all I want to thank you a lot for this amazing and handy tool! I would love it if more forcefields like GAFF, CGenFF or OPLS would also be supported! But now to my question:

I am studying the adsorption of pharmaceuticals in zeolites and use the Dreiding Forcefield for the pharmaceuticals.

Upon inspecting the generated LAMMPS file I found that the pair coefficients (especially the distance) differ from the ones published by Mayo et al. in the original Dreiding paper.

For example the pair coefficient for a C_3 in the generated file is 0.095100 kcal/mol and 3.47299 Angström, while in the original paper it is also 0.095100 kcal/mol but 3.8983 Angström.

Do you know whrer this deviation comes from and could you show the source of the parameters that you implemented?


Thanks a lot in advance and again thanks for this handy tool!


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1 Responses

  1. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    Jakob Brauer

    Nevermind, I figured out, that LAMMPS requires the sigma of the vdW distance to be given, not the R0 value.

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