LASERS: Basic Principles and Applications

By Alessia Polemi

Drexel University

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This is a lecture prepared within the course Electronic Materials (Junior level). It provides an explanation of the lasers basic principles and an overview of possible applications


Alessia Polemi was born in Casteldelpiano, Grosseto, Italy, on July 10, 1973. She received her Doctor of Engineering degree in Telecommunications Engineering(cum laude) from the University of Siena in July 1999 discussing a thesis about the Array Green's Function for a Semi-Infinite Array of Dipoles on a Grounded Slab. From November 1999 to October 2002 she was a Ph.D student at the Department of Information Engineering (DII) of the University of Siena. She received a Ph.D. degree in Information Engineering in March 2003 with a thesis entitled Frequency-Domain Green's Function for Planar Periodic Large Phased Arrays in Multilayered Dielectric Regions. From January 2003 to October 2006 she was a post doctorate researcher at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Siena. During the PhD and post-doc period she attended several different international PhD classes and European schools. She serves as a reviewer for important international journals on electrical engineering and electromagnetics such as IEEE, IET, Elsevier Journals and Transactions. Since November 2006 she has been an Assistant Professor of Electromagnetic Fields at the School of Engineering, within the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, where she teaches Radio and Microwave Systems and she is the assistant at the course on Electromagnetic Fields. Since 2008, she has been frequently a visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, working on plasmonic structures with Prof. Nader Engheta and his group. Since 2000 she is member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and since November 2006 she has been the Italian Student Adviser for the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). In November 2009, she got tenured. From 2010 to 2012, she was Research Scientist at the department of Chemistry at Drexel University, Philadelphia, in the framework of a research program on local surface plasmon enhancement at optical frequency, with Dr. Kevin Shuford. She is currently Research Assistant Professor at the department of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University, working with Dr. Jonathan Spanier on the optical properties of inorganic nanostructures and thin-film materials and devices. Her current research includes high frequency scattering theories, asymptotics electromagnetic methods, numerical electromagnetic methods, periodic structures, bandgap structures, antenna design, antenna miniaturization, wideband and ultrawideband antennas, RFID systems, printed devices at microwave frequencies, new emerging waveguides, metamaterials, plasmonic structures at optical frequency, with particular reference to photovoltaics applications.


Electrical Properties of Materials, Solymar and Walsh
Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Kasap
Basic Lasers Principles, Melles Griot
The internet

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  • Alessia Polemi (2014), "LASERS: Basic Principles and Applications,"

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