Gelatin Microfluidics

By Javier Cervantes; NNCI Nano1

1. National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA

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This lab shows the importance of channel design in biotechnology and nanotechnology and the methods used to study the behavior of fluids as they flow through a channel.  Students will create and test a microfluidic device by creating narrow channels in gelatin, injecting dye in the channel, and observing the fluid flow.

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Javier Cervantes

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NNIN RET program at UC Santa Barbara EEC 0908895 and NNIN NSF ECCS 0335765

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Javier Cervantes, NNCI Nano (2020), "Gelatin Microfluidics,"

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Nancy Healy

Georgia Insitute of Technology
