Understanding Movement of Molecules across the Cell Membrane

By Brandi Childress; NNCI Nano1

1. National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure

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This lesson uses a macro-model to demonstrate the diffusion of molecules across the cell membrane.  A deshelled egg serves as the cell model to observe movement in and out of the “cell”.  Students will learn that the cell membrane is composed of a complex nano-structured membrane that regulates diffusion and mobility of membrane biomolecules. The purpose is to examine permeability properties of plasma membranes and give students a better understanding of how substances, nano in size move into and out of a cell.

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Brandi Childress

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NSF EEC 1200925 and NSF ECCS 0335765 and ECCS 1626183

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Brandi Childress, NNCI Nano (2020), "Understanding Movement of Molecules across the Cell Membrane," https://nanohub.org/resources/33190.

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Nancy Healy

Georgia Insitute of Technology
