Purdue Bioethics Seminar Series

By Jonathan Beever1; Nicolae Morar2

1. University of Central Florida 2. Purdue University



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How do biotechnologies challenge our social boundarires?

The Purdue Bioethics Seminar Series seeks to continue to press the issue of ethics in science and technology here at Purdue. We intend to build opportunities for engagement between philosophy, policy, and science at a campus-wide level and to raise awareness of the ethical implications of biotechnological development for our environment both local and global. Hosting scholars from across the region brings new perspectives to the Purdue community on these issues. Each years' seminar series focuses on two central themes in bioethics. For the 2007-2008 series, these themes are the ethical issues of climate change and those of issues in medical technologies.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Jonathan Beever, Nicolae Morar (2008), "Purdue Bioethics Seminar Series," https://nanohub.org/resources/4234.

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In This Series

  1. Nanotechnologies, Science and Society: Promises and Challenges

    Online Presentations | 10 May 2007 | Contributor(s): James Leary | 1160 users

  2. Nanotechnologies and Medical Ethics

    Online Presentations | 02 Apr 2008 | Contributor(s): Nigel M. de S. Cameron | 234 users

  3. Ethics, Environment, and Nanotechnologies

    Online Presentations | 02 Apr 2008 | Contributor(s): Barbara Karn | 3333 users

    Karn represented EPA on the interagency Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology subcommittee (NSET) of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, National Science and Technology Council. Karn holds a Ph.D. in biology and environmental science from Florida International...

  4. Conflicts of Interest in Biomedical Research

    Online Presentations | 20 May 2008 | Contributor(s): David B. Resnik | 390 users

  5. The Opposite of Human Enhancement: Nanotechnology and the Blind Chicken Problem

    Online Presentations | 20 Oct 2008 | Contributor(s): Paul B. Thompson | 1213 users

  6. "Who Owns Truth?" - Biomedical Research in a Health Policy Context

    Online Presentations | 30 Mar 2009 | Contributor(s): Samuel A. Richmond | 368 users

    This presentation examines a claim made by PhRMA on behalf of pharmaceutical manufacturing companies of America, and the response of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) questioning drug company publication policies and practices. Also considered are changes in law...

  7. History of Research with Human Subjects: Ethical Steps Forward and Back

    Online Presentations | 29 Apr 2009 | Contributor(s): Jason T. Eberl | 418 users

  8. The Future of Environmental Ethics

    Online Presentations | 08 Jul 2010 | Contributor(s): Holmes Ralston III | 93 users