Tags: devices


On June 30, 1948, AT&T Bell Labs unveiled the transitor to the world, creating a spark of explosive economic growth that would lead into the Information Age. William Shockley led a team of researchers, including Walter Brattain and John Bardeen, who invented the device. Like the existing triode vacuum tube device, the transistor could amplify signals and switch currents on and off, but the transistor was smaller, cheaper, and more efficient. Moreover, it could be integrated with millions of other transistors onto a single chip, creating the integrated circuit at the heart of modern computers.

Today, most transistors are being manufactured with a minimum feature size of 60-90nm--roughly 200-300 atoms. As the push continues to make devices even smaller, researchers must account for quantum mechanical effects in the device behavior. With fewer and fewer atoms, the positions of impurities and other irregularities begin to matter, and device reliability becomes an issue. So rather than shrink existing devices, many researchers are working on entirely new devices, based on carbon nanotubes, spintronics, molecular conduction, and other nanotechnologies.

Learn more about transistors from the many resources on this site, listed below. Use our simulation tools to simulate performance characteristics for your own devices.

All Categories (121-140 of 360)

  1. Electronic and Vibrational Properties of 2D Materials from Monolayer to Bulk: Opportunity Unlimited

    Online Presentations | 21 Apr 2016 | Contributor(s):: Mahesh R Neupane

    IWCE 2015 invited presentation. The placement of two dimensional (2D) materials such as hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) at the forefront of materials and device research was pioneered by the discovery of graphene, an atomically thin 2D allotrope of...

  2. Electronic Transport in Semiconductors (Introductory Lecture)

    Online Presentations | 25 Aug 2004 | Contributor(s):: Mark Lundstrom

    Welcome to the ECE 656 Introductory lecture. The objective of the course is to develop a clear, physical understanding of charge carrier transport in bulk semiconductors and in small semiconductor devices.The emphasis is on transport physics and its consequences in a device context. The course...

  3. Electronics from the Bottom Up: A New Approach to Nanoelectronic Devices and Materials


    Vision The Network for Computational Nanotechnology seeks to bring a new perspective to engineering education to meet the challenges and opportunities of modern nanotechnology. Fifty years ago...


  4. Electronics From the Bottom Up: top-down/bottom-up views of length

    Online Presentations | 17 Aug 2007 | Contributor(s):: Muhammad A. Alam

    When devices get small stochastic effects become important. Random dopant effects lead to uncertainties in a MOSFET’s threshold voltage and gate oxides breakdown is a random process. Even a concept as simple as “channel length” becomes uncertain. This short (20 min) talk, a footnote to the...

  5. Exams for Semiconductor Device Fundamentals

    Teaching Materials | 01 Jul 2013 | Contributor(s):: Robert F. Pierret

    Collected herein are 54 mostly hour tests that were utilized over the years in a junior/senior-level course entitled “Semiconductor Devices” offered by the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the West Lafayette campus of Purdue University. Although the material probed on...

  6. Exploring Electron Transfer with Density Functional Theory

    Online Presentations | 11 Jun 2006 | Contributor(s):: Troy Van Voorhis

    This talk will highlight several illustrative applications of constrained density functionaltheory (DFT) to electron transfer dynamics in electronic materials. The kinetics of thesereactions are commonly expressed in terms of well known Marcus parameters (drivingforce, reorganization energy and...

  7. Exponential Challenges, Exponential Rewards - The Future of Moore's Law

    Online Presentations | 14 Dec 2004 | Contributor(s):: Shekhar Borkar

    Three exponentials have been the foundation of today's electronics, which are often taken for granted—namely transistor density, performance, and energy. Moore's Law captures the impact of these exponentials. Exponentially increasing transistor integration capacity, and...

  8. Feras Al-Dirini

    Feras Al-Dirini (Member, IEEE) recieved the B.Sc. degree (Hons.) in electronics engineering from Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, in 2011, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and...


  9. First Principles-based Atomistic and Mesoscale Modeling of Materials

    Online Presentations | 01 Dec 2005 | Contributor(s):: Alejandro Strachan

    This tutorial will describe some of the most powerful and widely used techniques for materials modeling including i) first principles quantum mechanics (QM), ii) large-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and iii) mesoscale modeling, together with the strategies to bridge between them. These...

  10. First Principles-Based Modeling of materials: Towards Computational Materials Design

    Online Presentations | 20 Apr 2006 | Contributor(s):: Alejandro Strachan

    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with accurate, first principles-based interatomic potentials is a powerful tool to uncover and characterize the molecular-level mechanisms that govern the chemical, mechanical and optical properties of materials. Such fundamental understanding is critical to...

  11. From density functional theory to defect level in silicon: Does the “band gap problem” matter?

    Online Presentations | 01 Oct 2008 | Contributor(s):: Peter A. Schultz

    Modeling the electrical effects of radiation damage in semiconductor devices requires a detailed description of the properties of point defects generated during and subsequent to irradiation. Such modeling requires physical parameters, such as defect electronic levels, to describe carrier...

  12. From Semi-Classical to Quantum Transport Modeling

    Series | 10 Aug 2009 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska

    This set of powerpoint slides series provides insight on what are the tools available for modeling devices that behave either classically or quantum-mechanically. An in-depth description is provided to the approaches with emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Conclusions...

  13. From Semi-Classical to Quantum Transport Modeling: Particle-Based Device Simulations

    Teaching Materials | 10 Aug 2009 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska

    This set of powerpoint slides series provides insight on what are the tools available for modeling devices that behave either classically or quantum-mechanically. An in-depth description is provided to the approaches with emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Conclusions...

  14. From Semi-Classical to Quantum Transport Modeling: Quantum Corrections to Semiclassical Approaches

    Teaching Materials | 10 Aug 2009 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska

    This set of powerpoint slides series provides insight on what are the tools available for modeling devices that behave either classically or quantum-mechanically. An in-depth description is provided to the approaches with emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Conclusions...

  15. From Semi-Classical to Quantum Transport Modeling: Quantum Transport - Recursive Green's function method, CBR approach and Atomistic

    Teaching Materials | 10 Aug 2009 | Contributor(s):: Dragica Vasileska

    This set of powerpoint slides series provides insight on what are the tools available for modeling devices that behave either classically or quantum-mechanically. An in-depth description is provided to the approaches with emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Conclusions...

  16. Functionalized Nanomaterials at the Interface of Biology and Technology

    Online Presentations | 24 Apr 2008 | Contributor(s):: Dean Ho, National Center for Learning & Teaching in Nanoscale Science & Engineering

    Nanomaterials, such as block copolymeric membranes and nanodiamonds, can be engineered for a broad range of applications in energy and medicine. This presentation will highlight the relevance of these materials as foundations for device fabrication across the spectrum of biology and technology....

  17. Green Light on Germanium

    Online Presentations | 02 Nov 2015 | Contributor(s):: peide ye

    This talk will review recent progress as well as challenges on Ge research for future logic applications with emphasis on the breakthrough work at Purdue University on Ge nFET which leads to the demonstration of the world first Ge CMOS circuits on Si substrates. Ge device technology includes...

  18. Guidelines for Writing NEEDS-certified Verilog-A Compact Models

    Online Presentations | 19 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s):: Tianshi Wang, Jaijeet Roychowdhury

    This talk contains a brief introduction to Verilog-A and suggests some initial guidelines for writing Verilog-A versions of NEEDS models. For more about the history of Verilog-A and additional guidelines for writing Verilog-A models, see the presentation by Drs. Geoffrey Coram and Colin McAndrew.

  19. Hesham Elmeleegi


  20. Hexagonal Prism Blue Diode Laser Using Whispering Gallery Mode (WGM) Resonances

    Online Presentations | 23 Oct 2007 | Contributor(s):: sangho kim

    Semiconductor lasers have many important applications, including communication technologies, optical storage, printing, and molecular detection. The range of applications could be broadened significantly if the lasers could be made smaller and with lower threshold currents. Today’s in-plane...