Tags: teaching and learning

Presentation Materials (1-6 of 6)

  1. Pedagogy and Lecturing in a Technical Subject (Richard Freishtat)

    Presentation Materials | 17 Jan 2017

  2. Framework for Evaluating Simulations: Analysis of Student Developed Interactive Computer Tool

    Presentation Materials | 25 Jun 2015 | Contributor(s):: Kelsey Joy Rodgers, Heidi A Diefes-Dux, Yi Kong, Krishna Madhavan

    This is the presentation for a paper presented at the 2015 annual American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) conference. The paper discusses a developed framework for evaluating and scaffolding student-developed simulations in an open-ended learning environment.  The full paper...

  3. How engineering instructors use nanoHUB simulations as learning tools?

    Presentation Materials | 08 Apr 2010 | Contributor(s):: Alejandra J. Magana

    In this section we provide a description of two of the most frequent ways engineering instructors incorporate nanoHUB simulations as learning tools. In the supporting document section we provide case studies that describe in detail specific ways in which instructors have incorporated nanoHUB...

  4. Thinking about Learning Objectives

    Presentation Materials | 07 Apr 2010 | Contributor(s):: Krishna P. C. Madhavan

    The first and most significant step in the backward design process is the identification of clear learning objectives that will eventually be assessed. Using New Bloom's Taxonomy as the theoretical basis, we highlight how learning objectives can be written such that they focus on cognitive and...

  5. Backward Design for Instruction

    Presentation Materials | 07 Apr 2010 | Contributor(s):: Krishna P. C. Madhavan, Sean Brophy

    Backward design is an instructional design process that focuses on what specific learning objectives need to be accomplished and how learning will be assessed appropriately before the instructional materials are designed. This design process is the complete opposite of what instructors typically...

  6. How People Learn 101: Theory and Practice

    Presentation Materials | 07 Apr 2010 | Contributor(s):: Krishna P. C. Madhavan, Sean Brophy

    One of the primary goals of the NCN Education and Assessment Group is to allow insights from engineering education research to diffuse into the engineering curricula. This resource is designed to provide faculty members designing a course using nanoHUB resources a quick introduction to the How...