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Carbon Nanotube Fiber Spinning

Carbon nanotubes (CNT) can be spun into continuous macroscopic fibers using conventional spinning techniques.

Nanomaterial hazard analysis

The CNT are mixed as a thin paste, or “spinning dope,” in a closed system and spun into a fiber. There are no obvious routes for ingestion. The nanotubes are not chemically altered in the spinning process. The risk of airborne exposure is minimal.

Nanomaterial exposure assessment

During mixing, the CNT spinning dope is in a hermetically sealed container. Risk of contact of solid CNT fiber to the skin.

Nanomaterial exposure control for fibers

Skin contact does not appear to be a route for uptake into the body, and standard laboratory hygiene practices should be adequate here. Use gloves when handling the fiber. Good chemical hygiene as spelled out in the Rice University Chemistry Department’s Chemical Hygiene Manual will be maintained. If the fiber is accidentally crushed, liberating smaller particles, the loose CNT materials should be promptly cleaned up by HEPA vacuum or wet wipe, as appropriate. Wear a N95 or P100 disposable respirator or face respirator with HEPA filtration. New students and staff will be trained by experienced staff in the specific procedures of the HiPco laboratory after they receive general training from the University EH&S. University Facilities, Engineering and Planning will routinely inspect fume hoods, and certify proper operation. Use of conventional vacuum cleaners is prohibited as this may re-suspend CNT particles. Waste material is labeled for content, and is removed by the University chemical waste disposal service.

Hazard group B, Bound material, short term exposure, control band 1

or (depends on the product made) Hazard group B, Potential release, short term exposure, control band 2

The University EHS and/or the Chemistry Department maintains records on employee training and overall safety procedures. Skin contact does not appear to be a route for uptake into the body, and standard laboratory hygiene practices should be adequate here. Use gloves when handling the fiber. Good chemical hygiene as spelled out in the Chemical Hygiene manual provided by the Chemistry Department will be maintained. If the ground material is accidentally spilled, this should be promptly be cleaned up by HEPA vacuum or wet wipe, as appropriate. Wear a N95 or P100 disposable respirator or face respirator with HEPA filtration. New students and staff will be trained by experienced staff in the specific procedures of the HiPco laboratory after they receive general training from the University EH&S. University FE&P will routinely inspect fume hoods, and certify proper operation. Use of conventional vacuum cleaners is prohibited as this may resuspend CNT particles. Waste material is labeled for content, and is removed by the University chemical waste disposal service.

New information from the literature as to hazards of CNT will be discussed to determine if procedures need to be modified to reduce risk of exposure. Such changes will be incorporated into the protocol and training. The University EHS and/or the Chemistry Department maintains records on employee training and overall safety procedures.