Questions and Answers

All (141-20 of 20)
2437 Memory access violation error
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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2495 What is the file or text format for uploaded material properties ?
Asked by Abdul Basit Closed 1
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2498 data-file generator produces error but creates LAMMPS data file
Asked by Gyorgy Hantal Open 2
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2508 Tutorial demonstration problem
Asked by Piaohan Xu Open 0
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2558 Could you please share the lectures (Video & Audio) in a format which can be played instead of Adone Flash?
Asked by Ramon Salazar Open 0
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2560 What is the unit for the value in the fraction reduction in energy map ?
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2566 Not working
Asked by Rustam Rustam Rustam Open 0
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2594 How to make p3ht polymers
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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2692 why are there two lines in V-I characteristics of the simulation results?
Asked by Deeptansh Sharma Open 0
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2756 Angle-resolved information
Asked by Phil Wölper Open 1
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2771 How can I output TIME to hit a given Thickness (do the calculation backwards)?
Asked by Demis John Open 0
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2820 How can I upload complex dielectric function ?
Asked by Partha Sahu Open 1
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1 Current equation
Asked by Anonymous Closed 1
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2 Quantum dots
Asked by Anonymous Closed 1
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3 Degeneracy factor for holes
Asked by Anonymous Closed 1
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8 NEGF Formulism Question
Asked by Pratik Patel Closed 1
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5 Charging energy
Asked by Anonymous Closed 1
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6 Time-dependent NEGF
Asked by Anonymous Closed 1
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7 de Broglie wavelength
Asked by Anonymous Closed 1
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9 What is Rappture?
Asked by Anonymous Closed 1
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