Short Course on Nanophotonics

By Nick Fang

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

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This course is a shortened version of a graduate course offered to MIT students regarding recent advances in photonics science and technology. The course consists of selected topics in fundamental science of nano-optics, with an overview of nanophotonic tools.

The topics covered here:
- Lecture 1: Propagation and focusing of optical fields, eikonal equations for gradient index optics
- Lecture 2: Electromagnetic field near the surface: Evanescent waves, waveguides and cavities
- Lecture 3: Plasmonics and Metamaterials
- Lecture 4: Light Emission in Confined Environments, Purcell Effects
- Lecture 5: Maxwell Stress Tensor, Radiation Pressure
- Lecture 6: Fluctuation Induced Interactions


Professor Nicholas X. Fang is the d'Arbeloff Career Development Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Professor Fang earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Physics from Nanjing University, China; and Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Los Angeles. He joined the M.I.T. faculty in 2011.

Professor Fang teaches and conducts research in the area of micro/nanotechnology. Professor Fang has published over 70 archival journal papers with his group and has mentored 5 Master's students and 8 Doctoral students as well as several Postdoctoral Associates, now pursuing successful careers in industry and research laboratories, and academia including faculty positions in University of California-San Diego, Washington University, Rutgers University, University of Arizona, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

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  • Nick Fang (2015), "Short Course on Nanophotonics,"

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