IWCE 2015: International Workshop on Computational Electronics



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The International Workshop on Computational Electronics covers all aspects of advanced simulation of electronic transport and optoelectronic processes in semiconductors and semiconductor devices based on both inorganic and organic materials. IWCE 2015 will feature the traditional IWCE topics in electronic transport, thermal transport, spin transport, optoelectronic processes and coupled phenomena. Additionally, we will extend the conference to topics such as first principles calculations in the context of transport studies, and novel architectures for nanodevices. The scientific program, organized in a single-session format, consists of invited lectures, contributed talks, and poster presentations.

The workshop is intended to be an international forum for discussions on the current trends and future directions of computational electronics.  The emphasis of the contributions is on interdisciplinary aspects of Computational Electronics, touching Physics, Engineering, Applied Mathematics, as well as Chemistry and Biology. Active participation of graduate students, including student presentations, is strongly encouraged.

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  • (2015), "IWCE 2015: International Workshop on Computational Electronics,"

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North Ballroom, PMU, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

In This Workshop

  1. Electronic and Vibrational Properties of 2D Materials from Monolayer to Bulk: Opportunity Unlimited

    Online Presentations | 21 Apr 2016 | Contributor(s): Mahesh R Neupane

    IWCE 2015 invited presentation. The placement of two dimensional (2D) materials such as hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) at the forefront of materials and device research was pioneered by the discovery of graphene, an atomically thin 2D allotrope of...

  2. 15-Band Spectral Envelope Function Formalism Applied to Broken Gap Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors

    Online Presentations | 01 Nov 2016 | Contributor(s): Devin Verreck, Maarten Van de Put, Anne Verhulst, Bart Soree, G. Groeseneken, Ashish Dabral

    IWCE 2015 presentation.

  3. The Role of Dimensionality on Phonon-Limited Charge Transport: from CNTs to Graphene

    Online Presentations | 27 Oct 2016 | Contributor(s): Jing Li, Yann-Michel Niquet

    IWCE 2015 presentation.

  4. Low Temperature Enhancement of the Thermoelectric Seebeck Coefficient in Semiconductor Nanoribbons

    Online Presentations | 09 Nov 2016 | Contributor(s): Kommini Adithya, Zlatan Aksamija

    IWCE 2015 Presentation. We propose a novel approach to achieving a narrow window-shaped TDF through a combination of a step-like 2-dimensional density-of-states (DOS) and inelastic optical phonon scattering. A shift in the onset of scattering with respect to the step-like DOS creates a TDF which...

  5. Finite Difference Schemes for k.p Models: A Comparative Study

    Online Presentations | 01 Nov 2016 | Contributor(s): Jun Huang, Kuang-Chung Wang, William R Frensley, Gerhard Klimeck

    IWCE 2015 Presentation.

  6. Transferable Tight Binding Model for Strained Heterostructures

    Online Presentations | 22 Oct 2016 | Contributor(s): Yaohua Tan, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Christoph Kubis, Timothy Boykin, Gerhard Klimeck

    IWCE 2015 presentation.

  7. Modeling of Inter-ribbon Tunneling in Graphene

    Online Presentations | 11 Nov 2016 | Contributor(s): Maarten Van de Put, William Gerard Hubert Vandenberghe, Massimo V Fischetti

    IWCE presentation. In this paper we investigate the finite-size effect in nano-scaled graphene flakes. Improving on the bulk description, and because the structures are – atomistically speaking – large in size, we use the empirical pseudopotential method[2].