Tags: nanophotonics


When optical components are reduced to the nanoscale, they exhibit interesting properties that can be harnessed to create new devices. For example, imagine a block of material with thin layers of alternating materials. This creates a periodic arrangement of alternating dielectric constants, forming a "photonic crystal" that is analogous to the electronic crystals used in semiconductor devices. Photonic crystals, along with quantum dots and other devices patterned at the nanoscale, may form the basis for sensors and switches used in computers and telecommunications. More information on Nanophotonics can be found here.

Resources (221-240 of 451)

  1. Large-scale first principles configuration interaction calculations of optical absorption in boron clusters

    07 Mar 2012 | Contributor(s):: Ravindra L Shinde

    We have performed systematic large-scale all-electron correlated calculations on boron clustersBn (n=2–5), to study their linear optical absorption spectra. Several possible isomers of each clus-ter were considered, and their geometries were optimized at the coupled-cluster singles doubles(CCSD)...

  2. ECE 616 Student Presentation: Ultrafast Non-linear Plasmonics

    Online Presentations | 02 Mar 2012 | Contributor(s):: Gururaj V Naik

    Plasmonics has gained significant attention in the recent days owing to its capability of providing sub-wavelength confinement of light. As a consequence of sub-wavelength confinement of electric field, the field intensity issignificantly enhanced. High field intensity achieved by plasmonics,...

  3. Illinois Tools: Bio Photonics Simulator

    Tools | 25 Jan 2012 | Contributor(s):: Zuhaib Bashir Sheikh, Nahil Sobh

    Simulate passage of light through biological tissue using FDTD

  4. Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Stanford's Ovshinsky's Nerve-cell Analogy and the Field of Amorphous and Disordered Materials

    Online Presentations | 31 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s):: Lillian Hoddeson

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign the career of Stanford Ovshinsky, the prolific self-educated inventor of energy and information devices, illustrates how making radical crossdisciplinary analogies can lead to pioneering discoveries in science. Based on his earlier work machining tools...

  5. Illinois 2011 NanoBiophotonics Summer School: Dr. Naash - Research

    Online Presentations | 30 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: Muna Naash

  6. Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Molecular Structure Transformations and the Kinetics of Carbon Nanomaterial Formation

    Online Presentations | 31 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s):: Gyula Eres

    The typical conditions for carbon nanomaterial synthesisinclude extreme temperatures and pressures that occur inplasmas or flames creating highly non-equilibrium initialdistribution of reactive carbon species that during theirrelaxation map out …

  7. Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2011: Analysis and Applications of Coupled Leaky-Mode, Implant-Defined Surface-Emitting Laser Arrays

    Online Presentations | 02 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: Dominic Siriani

    "Analysis and Applications of Coupled Leaky-Mode, Implant-DefinedSurface-Emitting Laser Arrays," Dominic Siriani – siriani@illinois.eduPh.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering with Prof. Kent ChoquetteTwo-dimensional coherent laser arrays are useful for sensing, opticallinks, laser...

  8. Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2011: Development of 90nm InGaAs HEMTs and Benchmarking Logic Performance with Si CMOS

    Online Presentations | 02 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: Kuang-Yu (Donald) Cheng

    "Development of 90nm InGaAs HEMTs and Benchmarking LogicPerformance with Si CMOS," Donald Cheng —dkcheng@illinois.eduPh.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering with Prof. Milton FengWe have developed 90nmInGaAs Channel HEMT processand compared the DC and RFperformance to 90nm Si nMOSFET...

  9. Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: III-Nitride Power Transistor Switches for Next-Generation Electronics

    Online Presentations | 31 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s):: Shyh-Chiang Shen

    Nanoelectronics and Photonics Seminar – MNTL 1000http://stmgroup.beckman.illinois.edu/nano_ep/October 27, 2011 – 12:00-1:00pm"III-Nitride Power Transistor Switches for Next-Generation Electronics"Prof. Shyh-Chiang Shen – School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, GeorgiaInstitute of...

  10. Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2011: High frequency mode-locked diode lasers

    Online Presentations | 07 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: Ann Catrina Bryce

    Mode-locked laser diodes are compact optical pulse sources which have severaladvantages over other sources including very high repetition frequencies and very shortpulse widths. They are attractive sources for applications such as large-capacity opticaltime-domain multiplexing systems, clock...

  11. Illinois 2011 NanoBiophotonics Summer School: Dr. Naash - Motivation

    Online Presentations | 30 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: Muna Naash


  12. Changes of Structural and Hydrogen Desorption Properties of MgH2 Indused by Ion Irradiation

    Presentation Materials | 13 Jan 2012 | Contributor(s):: Sandra Kurko

    Changes in structural and hydrogen desorption properties of MgH2 iduced by ion irradiation have been investigated. MgH2 powder samples have been irradiated with 45 keV B3+ and 120 keV Ar8+ions, with ion fluence 1015 ions/cm2. The effects of ion irradiation are estimated by numerical calculations...

  13. Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2011: Improve Presentation Slides with Visual Explanations

    Online Presentations | 07 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: James P Witte

    The evidence from learning science suggests that adding visuals to the text ofinstructional materials can help students learn better (Mayer 2001). If you are looking fora way to improve the usefulness of your lecture presentation slides, exploring ways toinclude visual explanations might be time...

  14. Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Current Status of Coherent Large-Scale InP Photonic Integrated Circuits

    Online Presentations | 31 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s):: Frederick A. Kish, Jr.

    The current state-of-the-art for large-scale InP photonic integrated circuits (PICs) is reviewed with a focus on the devicesand technologies that are driving the commercial scaling of these highly integrated devices. Specifically, high-capacitydense wavelength division multiplexed (DWDM)...

  15. Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2011: Interfacing Engineering, Biology, and Medicine at the Micro and Nano Scale

    Online Presentations | 02 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: Rashid Bashir

    In this talk, we will present an overviewof our work in Silicon-Based BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology and discuss the state of the art and thefuture challenges and opportunities. We will review a range of projects in our group focused towardsdeveloping rapid detection of biological entities and...

  16. Illinois Nanohour Seminar: Rapid Label-free Detection of Rotavirus using Photonic Crystal Biosensors

    Online Presentations | 24 Feb 2009 | Contributor(s):: Leo L Chan

    Rapid Label-free Detection of Rotavirus using Photonic Crystal Biosensors Presentation Outline Rotavirus Current Detection Method Label-based versus label-free assay Photonic Crystal (PC) Biosensor Biosensor Fabrication Biosensor Operation Assay Protocol Titration Series Comparison with ELISA...

  17. Illinois 2011 NanoBiophotonics Summer School: Faculty Impression

    Online Presentations | 16 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: Corneliu Rablau, Nadia Jassim

  18. Illinois 2011 NanoBiophotonics Summer School Lecture 5: Introduction to NanoPhotonics

    Online Presentations | 15 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: Kent D Choquette

  19. Illinois 2011 NanoBiophotonics Summer School: Poster Day: Gongting Wu

    Online Presentations | 17 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: Gongting Wu, Nadia Jassim

    Mechanical properties of blood clots.

  20. Illinois 2011 NanoBiophotonics Summer School: Poster Day: Peng Huang

    Online Presentations | 17 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: Peng Huang, Nadia Jassim

    Local raster scanning of high speed imaging of polymers in atomic force microscopy.