Tags: nanotechnology general

All Categories (61-80 of 103)

  1. Illinois ABE 446 Lecture 1: Introduction/What is nanotechnology?

    Teaching Materials | 11 Feb 2010 | Contributor(s):: Kaustubh Bhalerao

  2. Ivan Santos

    BSEE and MSCpE at University of Texas at El Paso


  3. ECET 499N Lecture 1: Introduction

    Online Presentations | 28 Jan 2010 | Contributor(s):: Helen McNally

  4. Nov 17 2009

    Nanomaterials and Human Health & Instrumentation, Metrology, and Analytical Methods

    This is the third workshop in the National Nanotechnology Initiative's nanoEHS workshop series. This highly integrated workshop brings together the areas of nanomaterials and human health research...


  5. Oct 06 2009

    Nanomaterials and the Environment & Instrumentation, Metrology, and Analytical Methods

    This is the second workshop in the National Nanotechnology Initiative's nanoEHS workshop series. This highly integrated workshop brings together the areas of ecosystem effects and fate & transport...


  6. Illinois ME 498NF: Introduction of Nano Science and Technology

    Courses | 03 Sep 2009 | Contributor(s):: Nick Fang

    Introduction to Nano Science and Technology This new elective course is intended to be a gateway for the senior and graduate students to the range of special graduate courses in nanoscience and technology for engineers. The course consists of topics in fundamental nanoscale science, plus an...

  7. NANOHOUR: University of Illinois Nanohour Seminar Series

    Series | 01 Apr 2009 | Contributor(s):: Josh Ritchey, Mary M. Caruso, Nahil Sobh

    Nanohour is a interdisciplinary seminar series aligned with the Molecular and Electronic Nanostructures research initiative at the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.

  8. ECET 499N: Introduction to Nanotechnology

    Courses | 30 Mar 2009 | Contributor(s):: Helen McNally

    An introduction to the emerging area of nanotechnology will be studied. The primary focus will be on the technologies of nanotechnology, with specific emphasis on electronics and electrical measurements. Instruments and techniques used in nanotechnology will be described and explored which...

  9. Northwestern University Initiative for Teaching Nanoscience

    Tools | 12 Aug 2008 | Contributor(s):: Baudilio Tejerina

    This package allows users to study and analyze of molecular properties using various electronic structure methods.

  10. The United States and India: Two Giant Democracies

    Workshops | 09 Jul 2008 | Contributor(s):: Pankaj Sharma

    Prof. Rao, thechairman of the Science Advisory Council to India's prime minister isthe keynote speaker at Purdue University's Discovery Lecture Seriesevent on June 18, outlining how India is reaching out to theinternational research community. Dr. Gail Cassell, Eli Lilly and Co.'svice...

  11. Birck Nanotechnology Center Annual Research Review: 2008

    Workshops | 04 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s):: Timothy D. Sands

    The Second Annual Birck Nanotechnology Center Research Symposium was held onApril 14, 2008 in Purdue's Discovery Park. Along with poster presentationsby graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, several areas of strengthwere highlighted in the overview presentations made available here....

  12. Christopher Nixon

    Christopher Nixon is currently an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign majoring in Sociocultural Anthropology, with a minor in Informatics. He was formerly a...


  13. Thinking Small

    Online Presentations | 17 Apr 2008 | Contributor(s):: Carl Batt, National Center for Learning & Teaching in Nanoscale Science & Engineering

    There is an overwhelming need on the part of the research community to explain our efforts in nanoscale science and engineering to the general public. To do so effectively there is also a need to catalogue the public's understanding of nanotechnology especially with respect to their ability to...


    Tools | 09 Oct 2007 | Contributor(s):: Baudilio Tejerina, Jeff Reimers

    Semi-empirical Molecular Orbital calculations.

  15. Zsolt Illyefalvi-Vitez

    Dr. Zsolt Illyefalvi-Vitéz received his diploma in electronic engineering and his dr. techn. degree from BME, the Technical University of Budapest, Hungary, in 1965 and 1974, respectively, and the...


  16. Possibilities for Future Nanotechnology Development

    Online Presentations | 15 Nov 2007 | Contributor(s):: Mihail "Mike" Roco

    Nanoscience and nanotechnology have opened an era of integration of fundamental research and engineering from the atomic and molecular levels, increased technological innovation, and an enabling base for improving human health and cognitive abilities in long term. The rudimentary capabilities of...

  17. Toward Anticipatory Governance

    Online Presentations | 25 Sep 2007 | Contributor(s):: David Guston

    The Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University (CNS-ASU) is an NSF-funded center, created in October 2005, for research, education and outreach on the societal aspects of nano-scale science and engineering (NSE). CNS-ASU involves the collaboration of scores of faculty,...

  18. Introduction to and Advances in Self-Healing Polymers

    Online Presentations | 14 Jun 2007 | Contributor(s):: Gerald O. Wilson

    The presenter briefly introduces the topic of Self-Healing Polymer research and continues to give a Survey of Ruthenium Metathesis Catalysts for Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization-Based Self-Healing ApplicationsGerald O. Wilson is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Materials Science...

  19. Nanotechnologies, Science and Society: Promises and Challenges

    Online Presentations | 10 May 2007 | Contributor(s):: James Leary

  20. 2007 Birck Nanotechnology Center Annual Research Symposium

    Series | 20 Apr 2007

    Presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.