Tags: spintronics


Spintronics (a neologism meaning "spin transport electronics"), also known as magnetoelectronics, is an emerging technology that exploits the intrinsic spin of the electron and its associated magnetic moment, in addition to its fundamental electronic charge, in solid-state devices. More information on spintronics can be found here.

All Categories (1-20 of 136)

  1. Jul 12 2010

    2010 NCN@Purdue Summer School: Electronics from the Bottom Up

    This year’s summer school will have two components: a focus on nanoelectronic devices, with an introduction to spintronics and, second, tutorials on selected topics in nanotechnology. First, we use...


  2. 2010 NCN@Purdue Summer School: Electronics from the Bottom Up

    Workshops | 18 Jan 2011

    Electronics from the Bottom Up seeks to bring a new perspective to electronic devices – one that is designed to help realize the opportunities that nanotechnology presents.

  3. 2014 NCN-NEEDS Summer School: Spintronics - Science, Circuits, and Systems

    Courses|' 11 Jun 2014

    The goal is to provide students with an understanding of how effects at the nanoscale can be exploited in novel devices and to provide a glimpse at the new applications that are possible.


  4. 2D Valley-Spin Transport in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

    Online Presentations | 07 May 2020 | Contributor(s):: Zhihong Chen

    In this talk, we first report that valley current can be electrically induced and detected through the valley Hall effect and inverse valley Hall effect, respectively, in monolayer molybdenum disulfide. We compare temperature and channel length dependence of non-local electrical signals in...

  5. subiects to study

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 3

    if I like to study nanodevices and spintronic field what subjects should I be study first.


  6. A MATLAB code for Hartree Fock calculation of H-H ground state bondlength and energy using STO-4G

    Downloads | 08 Aug 2006 | Contributor(s):: Amritanshu Palaria

    Hartree Fock (HF) theory is one of the basic theories underlying the current understanding of the electronic structure of materials. It is a simple non-relativistic treatment of many electron system that accounts for the antisymmetric (fermion) nature of electronic wavefunction but does not...

  7. Abdur Rehman Jalil


  8. Abhay Pratap Singh

    EDUCATIONM.Sc. Electrical and Computer Engineering 2010 –July 2013 (expected)University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, CanadaProjected Dissertation Title: High-density integration of carbon nanotube...


  9. Abhisek kole


  10. abhishek kumar


  11. Afshin Houshang


  12. All-optical Magnetization Switching Mediated by Laser-induced Spin Current

    Online Presentations | 19 May 2020 | Contributor(s):: Satoshi Iihama

    The manipulation of magnetization solely by the ultrashort laser pulse has attracted attention for future ultrafast and low-energy spintronics device [1-4]. GdFeCo has been predominant materials system showing all-optical single-shot magnetization switching. The magnetization switching of GdFeCo...

  13. All-Spin Logic Devices

    Online Presentations | 08 Feb 2010 | Contributor(s):: Behtash Behinaein

    We propose a spintronic device that uses spin at every stage of its operation: input and output information are represented by the magnetization of nanomagnets which communicate through spin-coherent channels. Based on simulations with an experimentally benchmarked model we argue that the device...

  14. Anatoly Dmitrievich Belanovsky


  15. Animations of magnetic QCA operation

    Downloads | 21 Oct 2007 | Contributor(s):: Dmitri Nikonov, George Bourianoff

    Animations of an inverter and a majority gate operation for QCA logic for the paper"Simulation of highly idealized, atomic scale MQCA logic circuits"by Dmitri E. Nikonov, George I. Bourianoff, Paolo A. GarginiMore detailed description to follow.

  16. Ankit Sharma

    I am a PhD student working with Prof. Kaushik Roy at Purdue University. I am interested in technology-circuit co-design using emerging charge-based post-CMOS devices. I received my Bachelors in...


  17. Asem S. Amar El Arabi


  18. Asifali Mir

    As simple as QM


  19. Atomic Force Microscopy

    Online Presentations | 01 Dec 2005 | Contributor(s):: Arvind Raman

    Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is an indispensible tool in nano science for the fabrication, metrology, manipulation, and property characterization of nanostructures. This tutorial reviews some of the physics of the interaction forces between the nanoscale tip and sample, the dynamics of the...

  20. Atomistic Modeling of Nano Devices: From Qubits to Transistors

    Online Presentations | 12 Apr 2016 | Contributor(s):: Rajib Rahman

    In this talk, I will describe such a framework that can capture complex interactions ranging from exchange and spin-orbit-valley coupling in spin qubits to non-equilibrium charge transport in tunneling transistors. I will show how atomistic full configuration interaction calculations of exchange...