Questions and Answers

All (381-20 of 20)
259 how long will it take to enable the calculation of thermal conductivity?
Asked by Hridai Open 2
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260 what does the tool improvement of version 1.1.9 really mean?
Asked by Anonymous Closed 1
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261 Want to find out capability
Asked by Abdul Rahman Closed 1
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262 What is the procedure for solving residual stress in a microstructure?
Asked by Ramakrishnan Open 1
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263 define AlGaAs in PADRE
Asked by waled hosny hosny Closed 1
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264 Boundary conditions for the potential equation
Asked by George Pau Closed 1
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265 Is it possible to take 2D cut planes of electron and hole density in the direction of source to drain ?
Asked by Abhijeet Paul Closed 1
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266 Can u give me a brief description of superlattice
Asked by arun aravind Closed 1
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267 Why does potential energy abruptly change at melting point of nanowire
Asked by Chinmaya Dandekar Open 1
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268 How I can take permission to use this tool. Thank you
Asked by Noorah Harbi Closed 1
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269 sir i need simulation which is based on my mathematical equation. Here we are just varying the variable and this simulator giving us result. can we do any changes any method for solving this ?
Asked by pankaj zope Closed 1
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271 how can i use schred program in my computer
Asked by meysam bagheri Open 1
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272 relation between the si thickness and current
Asked by meysam bagheri Closed 1
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273 No outputs
Asked by Shaikh S. Ahmed Closed 2
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275 wishlist item: 2d cuts through potential and charge through high symmetry lines
Asked by Anonymous Closed 1
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276 wishlist item: compare the initial and the final dispersion in selfconsistent calculation
Asked by Anonymous Closed 2
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277 code crashes when 8nm triangular cross section nanowires are entered
Asked by Anonymous Closed 3
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278 detailed syllabus on “nanoscience” as elective subject in Engineering eighth semester
Asked by Ranjana Goswami Open 0
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279 regarding Simulation for Unlisted Molecules
Asked by praveen kumar nooli Open 2
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280 Can anyone tell me the names of US Universities good for Nanoelectronics?
Asked by Oliver Gomes Open 4
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