Questions and Answers

All (1-20 of 20)
2826 error report from "Remote Parallel DDSCAT with wavelength splitting" mode
Asked by Jiarui Gao Open 2
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2824 Deckbuild
Asked by Vinh Tran Open 0
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2823 converging KPOINT
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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2820 How can I upload complex dielectric function ?
Asked by Partha Sahu Open 2
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2813 How do I import a file?
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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2808 How to fix 'NoneType' return and Keyerror.
Asked by Andrew Anderson Open 0
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2801 Error in VictoryVisual in recently updated version
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2797 what is the channel length of single gate and double gate mosfet
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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2790 how can I change oxide material in MTJ
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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2777 OOF is unable to launch
Asked by Dhruva Mehrotra Closed 1
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2771 How can I output TIME to hit a given Thickness (do the calculation backwards)?
Asked by Demis John Open 0
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2770 how can i upload higher version of python packages which are neccessary for me?
Asked by Chun Zhong Zhu Open 0
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2761 Does PV Analyzer work on PV module dark I-V data?
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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2760 is this still functional? why cant i search anything?
Asked by Anonymous Closed 1
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2759 Error evaluating output 'Magnetization' of object Oxy_minDriver devicefull?
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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2758 I keep getting this error when trying to run the first module AttributeError: module 'pymatgen' has no attribute 'Element'
Asked by awadeljaily Elgaily Abdalla Open 2
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2757 Where can I find the run time for a model?
Asked by Anonymous Open 2
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2756 Angle-resolved information
Asked by Phil Wölper Open 1
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2755 The simulator is based on the non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) formalism. What kind of transport equations are solved?
Asked by Fotso Tokam Ernest Jordan Open 2
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2753 How to apply different Gilbert Damping in simulation of two layers PMA thin films.
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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