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Machining with Nanodispersions


Dispensing of nanomaterial suspensions onto spinning substrates or in systems with vigorous mechanical motion or agitation

Potential Risk

Dispensing the liquid dispersion onto a substrate that will rotate at high speed, could result in aerosolization of the dispersion into small droplets


  • Ventilated dispensing & process equipment (spin, mechanical process, or agitation).
    • The ventilation exhaust must be processed with HEPA* exhaust filtration
    • If an exhausted enclosure is not available, PPE should be used to minimize potential for respiratory, dermal and eye exposure
  • Latex or nitrile clean room gloves
  • Wet cleaning methods when cleaning equipment

Note: Additional PPE and or EHS controls may be required based on the suspension solvent selection

Alternatively, Control Banding may be employed when more is known about material reactivity, exposure duration and material state.

Specific Operations

  • Chemical Mechanical Polishing

Material Specific Controls