Personalizing your nanoHUB experience

Create a FREE nanoHUB Account

Many of the resources on nanoHUB are accessible without an account, but in order to use simulation tools, participate in collaborations and conversations and fully take advantage of the nanoHUB experience, you need to have an account.

  • Click on the Sign Up link or go directly to https://nanohub.org/register/.
  • There are 5 ways to connect: use your existing Facebook, Google or LinkedIn Account, an email account, or your own institution’s account if it is a member of InCommon.  Linked accounts will give you immediate access to member features; if you use an email account to register, be sure to respond to the confirmation email.  This email may take several minutes to arrive. If you do not find it (check your spam folder), then submit a ticket via the Help or Support menus found at the top of the page.
  • If you connect via an outside account and later need a nanoHUB password, you can create one in your nanoHUB personal space, by clicking on the Account buttonnanoHUB Account button.png in the left menu

Access your nanoHUB personal space, “My Dashboard”

  • Log in to your nanoHUB account.  It may be helpful to check the option to stay logged in so that you are not asked to provide your password as often.
  • Click on the Logged in link at the top right of the nanoHUB page.

You will find a menu of options on the left side of the window that enables you to:

Configure Your Dashboard

The central area is your customizable Dashboard, where you can add, remove, and arrange a number of different Dashboard Modules.  Click on “Add Modules” Add Modules.png to install the modules you are interested in.  The dashboard modules include: My Sessions, My Projects, My Tools, Resources, Polls, What’s New My Interests, What’s New in Resources, Uploads in Progress, My Tickets, MyHUB Introduction, My Groups, My Questions, My Messages, My Wishes, My Points, My Published Resources, and My Courses. The items in italics are also available in the left menu. 

Update your Profile

  • Note that an open lock means your profile is public, and a closed lock means it is private.  Users with private profiles cannot be found on nanoHUB, and this can be problematic if collaborators are looking for you or want to message you.  I recommend a public profile that includes information that would be of interest to the nanoHUB community. As individual field in your profile can be made public or private, you can share only what you choose.  Authors of nanoHUB resources are encouraged to include a short biography, a profile photograph, and a link to a research page or personal website to help others who are interested in your content.
  • Specify your Interests by adding tags for topics, and new content with these tags will appear on your What’s New- My Interests module.

Manage your Account

  • You can link your Google, FB, Linked-In or InCommon account to your nanoHUB account. 
  • Create a new password or change your password.

Write in your personal Blog

  • Each blog post can be public or private- be sure to check the setting each time.
  • This is a convenient place to keep notes

Manage your Collections

  • Collections are a quick and easy way to visually assemble nanoHUB  resources and other materials. You can share collections with others.
  • You automatically have a “Favorites” collection. This particular collection is always private, even if you change its name (individual posts in the collection can be public.)
  • Create a new collection—which you can make public in order to share with others.
  • Add posts to a collection.  If you find a nanoHUB resource that you like, click on the collect button in the upper right corner to automatically add it to one of your collections.
  • You can follow someone else’s collection, or add to a group collection.

View your Contributions

  • After you publish resources on nanoHUB through the contribution process, you can view all of your contributions here. 
  • Only a few items are shown on the first page—click “see more >>” for the full list.

Access your Courses

  • View the nanoHUB-U courses that you are enrolled in. 
  • “Live” nanoHUB-U courses are now FREE, and you can earn a certificate for successful completion.  There will be a TA and instructor to answer questions during this time.
  • After the live run, nanoHUB-U courses become “self-paced” and you can enroll in them for free, but no certificate is available.  You can see the archived discussion board and talk with current self-paced students, but no TA or instructor is monitoring the course.

Access your Favorites

  • When you mark a resource as one of your favorites, it will show up in this list, making it easier to find the materials that you go back to time and again. Click
  • Use the Categories filter to view your favorites by type, for example Tools, Courses, Teaching Materials, Animations, Learning Modules and so on.

​​​Access your Groups

  • See all the groups that you are a member of, or that you have requested membership in.  You can see the status of your request as well as your role in the group.
  • If you are a member of a group, you can cancel your membership here.
  • f you manage the group, you can edit it from here.
  • If you manage a group with no members, you can delete the group here. 

Read your Messages

  • You can opt in or out of messages from nanoHUB, which can be sent to you via regular email and/or to your message box on nanoHUB. 
    • Click on the settings icon to select what happens to each possible type of message.
  • Examples include: Discussion board posts, support ticket comments relevant to you, group invitations accepted (if you are a group manager), notification when people leave a group (if you are a group manager.)

View your Points

  • You can earn points, or “nanos” by participating in nanoHUB in various ways.  See your total points and descriptions of how you earned them here.
  • Use your points to encourage others to grant your wishes.
  • Use your points to purchase nanoHUB t-shirts and other times in the store.

Access your Projects

  • You can create a project here, and see all the projects you have access to.
  • Projects have some great collaborative features, including To-Do lists, member messaging, updates, Google Drive desktop synchronization, conversion of documents to Google Docs for collaborative editing, file sharing and databases.
  • A small number in the upper left corner of the project icon tells you how many updates there have been to the project since the last time you checked in.
  • If a project needs to be deleted, the project manager can do this
    • In the center of the project header is a button for Project Manager
    • Click there and select Edit Project
    • Scroll to the bottom right and there is a button to delete the project.

Post your Resume

  • You may post your resume on nanoHUB.

View your Usage

  • Once you publish material on nanoHUB, you can monitor how widely it is being used.  This is a great way to demonstrate the impact of your work.
  • Depending on the type of resource, usage statistics are updated daily or monthly.
  • Usage statistics include: number of users served, users served in the last 12 months, citations of your resource in publications, number of simulation runs, number of courses that use the material, usage by country, and usage by type of user (academic, government, industry.)

Items that are not in the left side menu:

MyHUB Introduction
Short description of how to use the Dashboard

Links to sortable lists of several of the different nanoHUB Resources.  Resource types are Learning Modules, Teaching Materials, Online Seminar, Animations, Workshops, Publications and Downloads.  Tools are not in this list, but in the “My Tools” module.

My Tools
Links to your most recently used tools, your favorite tools, and all tools.

My Sessions
If you have simulation tool sessions running in the background, you can access them here. Open or terminate these sessions. You may run up to three concurrent tool sessions.

My Questions
See all questions you asked about various resources, or browse questions that others have asked. See both open and closed questions. If someone adequately answers a question, please give it a thumbs up. Questions can be sorted by tags or relevance to your contributions.

You can submit your response to the current nanoHUB poll, and also browse through the responses to previous polls.

My Tickets
View the trouble tickets that you have submitted. See which ones are open and closed.

My Wishes
View the wishes that you have submitted. Once you are in the wish list, you can opt to see all wishes or add a new wish. Check to see whether there is an existing wish before submitting a new one. You can vote other wishes up or down to show your agreement.

What’s New My Interests
See what new materials have been contributed that have tags that match your interest areas.

What’s New in Resources
See all of the most recently contributed resources.

Uploads in Progress
If you start to publish materials on nanoHUB, you can see the status of the resource in this module: in progress, created, installed, or published.

Items that are also in the left side menu:
These resources have been described previously. They can be accessed either from the left side menu or the Dashboard.

My Courses
My Favorites
My Groups
My Messages
My Points
My Projects
My Published Resources (Same as Contributions)


  • You can change the text that appears at the top of your tool window and in your list of sessions by clicking on the text in the black bar, and entering your new text. It may be helpful to include the session number, which is listed in the URL, as these do not show up in the tool module in the user dashboard. Session numbers can also be found in the new Activities list, located in the left-side menu of your nanoHUB member page.
  • You can now save and share a simulation run. This is different than saving and sharing a live session. This works by saving the simulation results in nanoHUB (not in your personal folder). Be sure to give your saved run a name that contains no spaces or special characters, so that it can be used to create a URL that anyone can follow to obtain the simulation run results.

Create a Group

  • Click on your name to get to your Dashboard →Groups →Create New User
  • Group group ID: All lowercase alphanumeric, no spaces for the URL.
  • Set access and visibility options.
  • Upload an image to be the group logo (optional).
  • Save the group.

Manage a Group
From the Group Manager button, you can:

  • Invite members by typing in their name or email address
  • Edit group settings (Access, visibility, group email settings, upload files)
  • Customize Group
    • Set the group logo
    • Set “custom content” and type in the content for the overview page.
    • Set access for each part of the group (Overview, members, calendar, etc.)
  • Manage Group Pages
    • Add a new group page (These go into the left-hand menu)
    • Edit group page content
    • Rearrange group pages
    • Clicking the (x) button inactivates the page—it is still available for later re-activation

Within a Group

  • Send messages to group members
    • Group members can be given roles: Student, TA, Group A, Group B, etc..
    • Messages can go to group members with specific roles.
  • Make Announcements
    • Announcements can now optionally be sent to group members, as well as appearing in the Announcements area. Sticky announcements will appear at the top of all group pages, and announcements flagged as important will be pink instead of yellow. Write in the group Blog
  • Group Calendar: check or add events; download to your calendar app
    • You can also embed a Google Calendar, but first you must submit a ticket to request that this be allowed for your group.
  • Create a group collection; all group members can contribute
  • Discussion board
  • Access or create a project
  • See resources that have been published by the group
  • See group usage statistics
  • Access the group Wiki
    • Every group member can create a wiki page. Files and images can be uploaded and embedded in wiki pages.
    • Users have the option of downloading a (nice!) pdf version of wiki pages.
  • Access the group wish list
    • See what wishes have been submitted for the group
    • Add a new wish for the group

Create a Project
You can create a personal project or a group project. Within a project you can:

  • Create To Do lists and assign items to group members, with a due date.
  • See Project Updates; the number of new updates is indicated by a small number
  • See team members and contact them via email
  • Upload or download files.
  • Synchronize files to your Google Desktop
  • Edit files collaboratively- files are automatically converted and shared via Google Docs.
  • Create a database (in a project)
    • Upload a .cvs file to the project
    • Create a database from the file
    • Links and images can be included
    • To change the database headings, column formats, click on “Update Database”
    • To change the database contents, download the file, edit, and upload the new version.

Create a Collection

  • Create a personal collection from your dashboard.
  • Create a group collection from the collections tab in a group page
  • Collect posts from other collections
  • Add resources to a collection with the “add to collection” button
  • Add images in addition to text and a link to make the post more engaging
  • Share your collections (other than your “Favorites”) with other nanoHUB users.

Find Resources
There are several methods to find nanoHUB resources on a topic you are interested in.

  • Use the Search bar
  • Use the Resources and Explore tabs on the nanoHUB home page
  • Click on Teach and Learn on the Front page to get to the Education page
  • Or go directly to https://nanohub.org.education
  • Search from the Resources module in your dashboard
  • Keep track of favorites in your dashboard
  • Add notes and links to resources in your personal blog, or in collection posts

Submit a Trouble Ticket

  • Click “need help? ” from the place where you ran into trouble. Provide sufficient detail so the web team can help you. They generally respond within a day or so.

Submit a Wish

  • Click “Need help? ” and then on the left side, “Wish List”
  • Browse through other wishes to check whether someone has already submitted the same wish. You can vote other wishes up or down.
  • Add your new wish.

Share a Session 

  • When running a tool, share a session with another individual user, or all users in a group. This can be convenient in a classroom setting.
  • You can give control to the other user, or keep control yourself. Others you are sharing the session with will see what you are doing in your simulation window.

Publish your Material

  • You can publish your lectures, lesson plans, homework or other resources to nanoHUB. Help other instructors and learners, and reach more people with your material. Make a measurable impact!

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