Simulations inspire teaching and learning

The Nano Biophotonics Summer School (NBSS) at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign last year incorporated resources and inspired both students and instructors.

Simulations used during the ten-day program impressed Corneliu Rablau, assistant professor of applied physics at Kettering University in Flint, Michigan. “I take home with me valuable tools that I will be able to use with my undergraduate students in everyday classes,” he said. View video

Program participants used the nanoHUB Optics Lab, Nanofilm Lab, Nanoparticle Quantitative Lab, Nanoparticles Array Lab, and Optical Beam Focusing System.

Lectures from the NBSS 2011 program are published on nanoHUB.

NBSS 2011 attracted 33 participants from 18 institutions worldwide, including undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and practitioners from the fields of optics, physics, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, and medicine.

The program offered hands-on labs, field trips, and a student poster session. Videos of poster session presentations and student feedback about the program are on the NCN@Illinois3 vimeo channel, including videos of students’ first impressions and final reactions.

The 2012 Biophotonics Summer School will be held May 21 through June 1 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Sponsors are the University of Illinois Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, Materials Computation Center, Micro and Nanotechnology Lab, and Strategic Initiative on Imaging; and the Network for Computational Nanotechnology and nanoHUB.

