[Illinois] CNST 2013: The Effect of Substrate Stiffness on the Apparent Stress Cells Experience during Cyclic Strain

By Heather Huntsman

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Heather Huntsman, Kinesiology and Community Health

Heather Huntsman obtained her bachelors from Bethel College and masters from George Washington University, and both degrees were in Exercise Science. Currently, she is a graduatestudent in the department of Kinesiology and Community Health. Working for Dr. Marni Boppart in a Molecular Muscle Physiology lab, the focus of her research is the role of the a7b1 integrin and mesenchymal-like, adult stem cells in myogenesis. Using exercise as a stimulus for muscle generation she is very interested in both microenvironment and angiogenic changes that improve muscle quality and function. By understanding the mechanisms responsible for these changes she would like to one day develop a viable stem cell therapy that can be used in an aged or diseased population to improve muscle function. Her interests outside of the lab include training for and participating in both running and triathlon races.

(Source: http://cmmb-igert.illinois.edu/Bios/Huntsman.html)

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Heather Huntsman (2013), "[Illinois] CNST 2013: The Effect of Substrate Stiffness on the Apparent Stress Cells Experience during Cyclic Strain," https://nanohub.org/resources/18140.

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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
