Void Fraction Calculator

By Julian C Umeh1; Thomas A Manz1

1. New Mexico State University

Calculates the void fraction (pore volume) of nano-porous materials

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Version 1.2 - published on 14 Mar 2022

doi:10.21981/306M-9V38 cite this

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Cumulative Simulation Users


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Simulation Runs


1 1 1 3 15 19 21 22 35 39 46 49 51 51 68 75 76 83 95 100 108 110 114 117 121 129 131 136 150 153 153 155 158 164 167 169 169 169 170 182 186 186 186 186 187 189 189 189 191 196 196 198 200 205 207 211 215 218 218 218 223
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Wall Clock Time 1.43 hours 12.18 days
CPU time 11.36 seconds 38.64 minutes
Interaction Time 10.56 minutes 1.5 days