Periodic Potential Lab - Kronig Penney Model - New Interactive Version

Periodic Potential Lab - Kronig Penney Model - Interactively explore bandstructure and wavefunctions with different potentials

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Version 0.2.4a - published on 20 Sep 2023

doi:10.21981/N9XV-7Q05 cite this

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Location of all "Periodic Potential Lab - Kronig Penney Model - New Interactive Version" Users Since Its Posting

Cumulative Simulation Users


10 17 45 53 61 68 95 106 129 143 153 157 162 183 186 199 202 228 244 249 255 256 262 267 277 288 317 326 346 388 435 535 561 580 594 607 620 695 716 746 770 813 854 946 996 1,039 1,044 1,063 1,136 1,227 1,259 1,297 1,327 1,342 1,376 1,389 1,413 1,426 1,449 1,487 1,500 1,531

Simulation Runs


26 54 142 212 251 267 375 445 543 649 707 723 785 924 976 1052 1072 1210 1274 1296 1343 1350 1376 1394 1436 1464 1584 1628 1692 1828 2009 2499 2645 2741 2802 2867 2919 3198 3297 3381 3497 3631 3778 4188 4415 4610 4623 4665 4893 5313 5448 5642 5737 5794 5924 5978 6082 6124 6214 6422 6474 6576
Average Total
Wall Clock Time 4.47 hours 677.26 days
CPU time 43.03 seconds 1.81 days
Interaction Time 1.48 hours 224.52 days