Machine Learning Lab Module

By BENJAMIN AFFLERBACH1; Rundong Jiang2; Josh Tappan2; DANE MORGAN1

1. University of Wisconsin - Madison 2. Citrine Informatics

A lab activity for introduction to machine learning in materials science

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Version 1.7 - published on 13 Sep 2022

doi:10.21981/CPNK-XE48 cite this

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World usage

Location of all "Machine Learning Lab Module" Users Since Its Posting

Cumulative Simulation Users


21 27 29 37 51 53 58 67 110 128 178 269 311 341 361 370 403 435 446 474 512 526 554 576 588 601 627 720 770 797 816 831 887 920 943 964 990 1,013 1,031 1,078 1,136 1,156 1,169 1,191 1,288 1,306 1,318 1,340 1,359 1,378

Simulation Runs


142 204 224 264 326 356 375 413 624 766 1091 1417 1755 1933 1991 2044 2229 2413 2508 2587 2823 2930 3062 3194 3293 3380 3519 3882 4206 4361 4476 4542 4838 5008 5188 5343 5488 5624 5724 5898 6284 6406 6514 6666 7298 7452 7538 7648 7750 7828
Average Total
Wall Clock Time 22.98 hours 4351.1 days
CPU time 39.91 seconds 2.1 days
Interaction Time 3.66 hours 692.25 days